I am a 12-year old elementary school student living in Fangshan District, Beijing. There have been massive media coverage attacking Falun Gong on TV and newspapers since July 20, 1999. I was very surprised because both my parents practice Falun Gong, and what I know about Falun Gong is totally different from the reports on TV and newspapers.

My dad used to be a bad temper person. He drunk a lot, beat and scolded us everyday. However, he became a nice person after practicing Falun Gong. For example, he had never cooked before, but he became very active in helping my mom with housework and daily chores since then. He was also doing well at work. But later, my dad was fired and stayed at home unemployed, just because he refused to give up Falun Gong and do anything against his conscience. I became even more puzzled, because there were some awful TV reports about Falun Gong. For instance, there was one person cut his abdomen opened to look for a Falun and therefore, killed himself, while another one killed his parents. What on earth is going on?

Later on, some Falun Gong practitioners visited us, and some of them were even sought after by the police. Through their conversations, I found that all of them were good people. I was even shocked when I heard them saying: "Cultivation requires us to look inside and to check if there was anything we did not do properly. We also have the responsibility for the current situation where the government misunderstood us". How can the wanted criminals be like this? Why are these good people treated as if they were bad guys? Dad was later put in prison because he wanted to be a good person, and mom was deceived by the police and ended up being kept in a mental hospital. Right now, only my 14-year old sister and I stay at home. During the chilly winter, we have to carry the burden of life and take care of ourselves. We are in deep sorrow and cry often. These wound in our young hearts are so deep, which may be impossible to be recovered.

President Jiang and Premier Zhu, how come you simply believe the lies from the bad guys and not investigate what these good people have done? If these efforts and resources were used to improve the economy of the country, wouldn't our society become better and better? Isn't it true that the more good people the better for society?

This year, my mom was arrested and taken away by the police again, although she was innocent. We cannot live like this any more. For the unjustly accused and mistreated people like my parents and other good people, we are also going to the Complaints Bureau to appeal. We sincerely hope President Jiang and Premier Zhou will not unjustly accuse these good people.

Editorial: This article was received in March 2000. Little is known about the date when it was written, nor is there any information about the name of the kid who wrote the article.