Respect for human rights is an issue, which transcends all differences of race, nationality and belief. I appealed to you, as head of state, to insure that this fundamental principle is respected not only in the case of Ms. Zhao Xin, but also in the treatment of all Falun Gong practitioners in your country.

Image for article A New Falun Dafa Television Program Debuts in the United States on October 30th

Falun Gong: The True Story (I), a TV monograph for Falun Dafa promotion, aired on the international programs Channel 30 in Fairfax County, Virginia. The broadcast schedule was: October 30, 2000 (Monday), 8:00PMNovember 1, 2000 (Wednesday), 8:30PMNovember 11, 2000 (Saturday), 5:00PM

Image for article A Letter from UK Falun Dafa Association to the Chinese Embassy

The UK Falun Dafa Association sent a letter to the Chinese Embassy on behalf of all Falun Gong practitioners in the UK, earnestly requesting them to help locate the two Falun Gong practitioners, Mr. Zhu Keming and Wang Jie, and urging the Chinese authorities to release them without delay. They also asked the Chinese Embassy to convey their concerns to the Chinese government, strongly demanding the Chinese High Court to accept the lawsuit of Falun Gong practitioners against Jiang Zemin ...

Image for article Falun Dafa Promotion Activities Around the World

1. Dafa promoting activities in Wellington, New Zealand

2. Dafa promoting activities in Basel, Switzerland

3. Dafa promotion during International Cultural Festivals in the Mariana Islands

4. Candlelight vigil in front of the Chinese Embassy in Sydney; Sydney police help to distribute Dafa materials

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