The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 8, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Wang Bo and Her Parents Beaten, Arrested in Dalian City

  • The Tortures I Suffered Because I Appealed for Falun Gong in 2000

  • Vicious Torture Methods Used by Police from Hanzhong, Shanxi Province

  • 610 Office in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province Abducts Nine Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Wang Changhong and Her Mother Arrested Again

  • Non-Practitioner Couple Sentenced to Prison Because Wife's Older Sister Practices Falun Gong

  • A Brief Report on the Perscution Cases in Douman District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Anqiu City, Shandong Province

  • Ms. Wang Bo and Her Parents Beaten, Arrested in Dalian City

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Bo and her parents Wang Xinzhong and Liu Shuqin (both practitioners) are from Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. After exposing the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong on the Internet (see /emh/articles/2006/2/19/70101.html ), they had to leave home to live in Dalian City in order to avoid being arrested. At the end of July 2006, they were all arrested by National Security Agents, the City 610 Office workers, and policemen from Dalian City Department, and there is no further information about them.

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    The Tortures I Suffered Because I Appealed for Falun Gong in 2000

    I used to have serious illnesses. I went to many doctors and tried various kinds of medicines. I suffered so much because of my illnesses. After I practiced Falun Gong, I regained my health and I benefited very much from practicing it both mentally and physically.

    On New Year’s Day of 2000, I took the train to Beijing to appeal to the higher authorities for Falun Gong. On February 1, the Huilongguan Police Station of the Changping District in Beijing illegally arrested me together with about fifty other fellow practitioners. The police mistreated us. They beat us and gave us physical penalties and didn’t allow us to go to the restroom.

    Some of us started to recite Lunyu together. The police got mad at us and pulled us out one by one. They stripped off our coats and shirts and forced us to hold a big chunk of ice. It was cold winter at that time and the wind was blowing very hard. They forced us to stand outside and said that we wouldn’t be allowed to go back in until the all of the ice melted off. One police said to another police, "Don’t stand over there. You are blocking the wind. Let them suffer more."

    They came up with this vicious torture, trying to make us give up our belief. Yet they underestimated us. I remember seven or eight of us were out there holding ice, including Ji Ping, Lan Zhou, and Li Mingyi from Shanghai as well as Guo Xingbo from Gansu Province. Those police finally realized that none of us would give in and eventually, they allowed us back in the room without achieving their original goal.

    Later, we were sent to the Changping District Detention Center. The life there wasn’t for human beings. Horror was everywhere and I can still clearly remember those days.

    At 3 A.M. on March 13, police took me back to my hometown and illegally detained me at the Diaobinshan Detention Center of Tieling City in Liaoning Province. At 8 A.M, local policeman Yan Wu came to curse me and took me to a two-story building outside of the south gate of the detention center. He cursed me all the way there. When we went into a room on the second floor, he beat me up and maliciously ordered me to kneel down. I said, "It’s not good for you to treat me like this."

    Policeman Li Wei used his soles to slap me on my face. When he got tired from beating me up, he left to take a rest. Yan Wu then continued to slap me on my face. My teeth became loose and blood came out of my mouth. My whole face swelled and deformed. Yan Wu forced me to take off my pants and used a shovel to hit my buttocks. Later the head of the shovel went loose and fell off when he beat me. He then used the handle of the shovel to hit my lower legs and my knees. He also kicked and beat me. My buttocks got all bruised and I had cuts all over my body. It was so painful that I rolled over on the ground. Several months later when they illegally sent me to the court, it still hurt too much to touch my buttocks. That horrible pain made me unable to sit , stand, or sleep. The pain gradually got better two years later.

    The police brutally tortured me for the whole morning. I didn’t cooperate with them and didn’t tell them anything they wanted to know. During that time, I kept reciting Teacher’s teaching in my mind, which made it possible for me to break through.

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    Vicious Torture Methods Used by Police from Hanzhong, Shanxi Province

    Policemen Ma Pingan, Li Youzhi, Gao Xiaobo, and Du Jiucheng have gone to great lengths to brutally torture Falun Gong practitioners. They have used every dirty trick in the book.

    The three have abducted Falun Gong practitioners, ransacked their homes, and extorted their money. They brutally planted tubes into practitioners’ stomachs to force-feed them and injected practitioners with unknown drugs. They cruelly beat and cursed a 70-year old female Falun Gong practitioner and asked a prisoner to stab her lower abdomen with a toothbrush. They beat a Falun Gong practitioner until four ribs were broken and they broke the pelvis of a female Falun Gong practitioner. They also broke another Falun Gong practitioners’ arm. They even stood on the two knees of Falun Gong practitioners and stepped hard on them.

    Several Falun Gong practitioners living in the countryside, who were the major breadwinners for their families, were sentenced to seven years in prison without any legal procedures. Before sending these Falun Gong practitioners to the Zhaozihe Forced Labor Camp, the police said that they would release them if they paid 40,000 yuan. How could these farmers have this kind of money when they even had difficulty making ends meet? They are still being detained and tortured in the forced labor camp.

    The police are offering rewards of 500 yuan to anyone who spies on Falun Gong practitioners and reports on them to the authorities.

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    610 Office in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province Abducts Nine Falun Gong Practitioners

    The 610 Offices in Zhaoyuan City and in Xiadian Town of Shandong Province have recently abducted over nine Falun Gong practitioners. These practitioners are believed to be detained in the Linglong Brainwashing Center and the Zhaoyuan City Detention Center.

    Mr. Bo Fucheng lives in Bojia Village, Xiadian Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. In the afternoon of May 21, 2006, Mr. Bo received a call asking him to go to Biguo Town. In the evening, Bo Fucheng rode his motorcycle to Biguo Town. There, he was abducted by officers from the National Security Section in Zhaoyuan City.

    The next morning, Hou Yunxian, Xu Jiansheng and 26 other officers drove five or six police cars to escort Bo back home and ransack Bo Fucheng's home. They confiscated Falun Gong books, three computers, three copiers, one paper cutter, one stapler, and thirty boxes of copier paper. The value of these items is over 30,000 yuan. Police also confiscated Mr. Bo's bank book with 6,000 yuan in it. Bo Fucheng's younger brother, Bo Fuyu, was also abducted.

    Bo Fucheng suffered severe torture in Zhaoyuan City Detention Center. Witnesses say police repeatedly beat him unconscious and then woke him up with ice cold water. He was also hung up and handcuffed for a long time. Relatives were not allowed to visit him.

    In the afternoon of May 22, 2006, police went to abduct practitioners in Xinnan Village. The village secretary, Cao Shanmei, helped police to break into practitioner Cao Ximin's residence. Police confiscated Falun Gong books and Teacher's photographs. Ximin's neighbor, practitioner Dong Jinghua, said to the officers, "You arrest good people only, no bad ones." Dong was arrested also.

    On the evening of May 31, 2006, practitioner Liu Shuwen in Kuang Village was abducted to the Linglong Brainwashing Center for the sixth time. Xu Qingming and other officers from the 610 Office in Xiadian Town abducted Liu Shuwen. In the same evening, practitioners Liu Zhiming in Houlujia Village, Zhang Baoxiang in Little Yin'gezhuang Village, Wang Xiuxiang and Li Jiang in Baishiding Village were abducted by police.

    At least nine Falun Gong practitioners were abducted in late May.

    Wang Changhong and Her Mother Arrested Again

    The Nankai District Police Department of Tianjin City actively follows the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime’s evil policy of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. On June 20, 2006, several Falun Gong practitioners in Tianjin City were arrested, including Ms. Wang Changhong and her mother Zhou Chengmin.

    After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Ms. Wang and her mother have experienced continuous persecution. In 1999, when Ms. Wang was a 17-year-old girl, she went to Beijing with her mother to appeal for Falun Gong. Both were taken back to Tianjin City and detained for two weeks. Later Wang Changhong was detained another fifteen days because she clarified the truth to her teachers. She was reported by her teacher in charge to the police, and was expelled by the school authorities as soon as she was released. In 2000, she again appealed in Beijing for her mother and for Falun Gong. Consequently, Ms. Wang and her mother were sentenced two and four year terms of imprisonments, respectively, and served these terms in Tianjin Prison.

    In 2002, when she was supposed to be released, she was told that the term was extended for six months without any reasons. There is no legal protection for Falun Gong practitioners in jails and forced labor camps. Arrest and release are at the will of the CCP authorities. When Ms. Wang got back home, she found everything changed in her family. Her father was mentally traumatized when he learned that two of his beloved ones were in prison. Wang Changhong also had trouble finding a job because she did not have any diploma owing to being expelled from school. During that period, anyone who intended to offer her a job would be harassed by the Police of Nankai District in the name of "close ties to Falun Gong followers." So nobody dared to give her a hand.

    The family finally reunified in 2004 when Ms. Zhou Chengmin was released. However the police began harassing them again. They are frequently under surveillance, monitoring and interrogation. On June 20, 2006, the mother and daughter were illegally arrested, and the police refused to release Ms. Wang and her mother, although they did not have any proof of their "guilt." Ms. Wang’s father was greatly disturbed psychologically, and it was said that he could be on the verge of death.

    Ms. Wang Changhong and her family have experienced such terrible persecution just because of their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." We urge the international community to pay much attention to this family’s situation and help them live normal lives.

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    Non-Practitioner Couple Sentenced to Prison Because Wife's Older Sister Practices Falun Gong

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhou Fumei, 65, lives at Harbin City, Nangang District, Bile Street No. 25. On January 9, 2004, she was illegally arrested by police from a police sub-station when she visited her younger sister Zhou Fujun’s home. Her younger sister and brother in-law, who don’t practice Falun Gong, were both sentenced to prison for 7 years just because their sister practices Falun Gong. (Treating innocent relatives of practitioners as crimnals is a feature of China's "implication system," or "guilt by association." For more details, see (/emh/articles/2001/11/3/15370.html).

    Zhou Fujun was 62 years old when she was first detained in Harbin City Detention Center. Because the living conditions in the detention center were so bad, her health quickly became threatened. Ms. Zhou developed pulmonary tuberculosis. Her brother in-law was 65 years old, and had high blood pressure and heart disease. He is now imprisoned in Hulan Prison. His son is in college, but as a consequence of his father’s illegal detention, he has lost his home.

    Presently in the women’s prison, there are 169 older people whose ages are from 60 to 74. They were sentenced to prison terms of 4 to 12 years. The women’s prison falsely tells outsiders that it implements humanity in its management, but actually the torture of the minds of Falun Gong practitioners is very serious.

    A Falun Gong practitioner who is 64 years old persisted in her practice, so the police tortured her by way of sleep deprivation. This eventually caused the blood vessels in the elderly lady’s brain to leak, causing hemiplegia and paralysis on one side of the body. According to the medical examiner’s appraisal, as well as the law, she qualifies for release in order to seek medical treatment, but the police didn’t release her until recently, giving all kinds of excuses. At the end of March, the women’s prison established a "fortified group" specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Group chief Tao Dandan of the No. 11 area mercilessly beat every Falun Gong practitioner who was imprisoned there.

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    A Brief Report on the Perscution Cases in Douman District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of an article that appeared on (the Chinese version of]

    It has been unofficially reported that since July 20, 1999, about 10 Falun Gong practitioners in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province have been illegally arrested and sentenced to prisons and forced labor camps. Many practitioners were arrested numerous times and detained in brainwashing centers for indefinite periods of time. They were forcefully injected with drugs, force fed and beaten. The following are some true persecution accounts:

    On January 25, 2000, Ms. Zeng Qing went to Beijing to appeal and was detained for 17 days. On March 3, 2000, she was detained for 15 days; and on July 20, 2000, she was detained for 15 days. On August 29, 2000, Ms. Zeng was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor. From February 2000 to July 13, she was detained in Douman District Brainwashing Center. On October 10, 2002, she was detained in Minfu Brainwashing Center in Zhuhai City. She was sentenced to a prison term from November 15, 2002 to November 15, 2005. She experienced inhumane torture in the women’s prison in Guangdong Province. From February 20, 2006, till now, she has been detained in the Doumen Detention Center. During the past few years, her house has been ransacked no less than five times.

    Ms. Zhao Juanjuan was taken in December 1999 to the police station for 2 days and detained in the detention center for 15 days. In July 2000, she was detained for 15 days. On October 18, 2000, her house was ransacked. Her daughter Lu Jianwen, also a Falun Gong practitioner, was forcibly carried away. On December 16, 2000, together with 9 practitioners, they were kept in a detention center. Ms. Zhao was sentenced for one year of forced labor in May 2002. In June 2004, she was locked up for 11 months in the Minfu Brainwashing Center in Zhuhai City. Her house was ransacked on December 2, 2005. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Because she did not pass the physical examination, she served her sentence outside the prison. Since then, her social insurance policy and wages have been illegally withheld.

    Ms. Zhou Jing went to Beijing in 1999 to appeal and was detained. She was tied to a bed and forcibly injected with a poison that damaged her nervous system. The injections caused one of her hands to become immobile for a long time. In 2001, she was sentenced to nine years in prison.

    Ms. He Xueping was detained in July 1999. Since then she was detained two more times. She was sentenced to four years in prison from January 2001 to February 2005. One of the years during the prison term, she was detained in The Number One Detention Center in Zhuhai City where she was force-fed and tied on a cross for over ten days. When she was in a women’s prison, she was not allowed to sleep forced to stand, read and listen to wicked books and videos. In February 2005, she was detained in the Minfu Brainwashing Center in Zhuhai City for more than a month. In March 2005, she was detained in the Sanzhui Brainwashing Center for more than five months.

    Ms. Lu Jianwen, the daughter of Zhao Juanjuan, has been sentenced to two years of forced labor. On December 2, 2005, she was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Ms. Yang Xiumei was detained in the Douman Brainwashing Center in 2001. In 2001, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor. Later she was sentenced to three years in prison. She is still serving her illegal prison term.

    On December 14, 2000, Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan was forcibly detained in the Doumen Detention Center for nine days. On February 5, 2001, she was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center. On March 19, 2001, she was sent and detained in the Doumen Detention Center. On April 26, 2001, she was sent to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp for one year. On October 10, 2002, vicious police from the Doumen District 610 Office took her and detained her at the Minfu Brainwashing Center in Zhuhai for more than two years. During that time, they injected her with harmful drugs.

    Ms. Liang Rongmei was sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2001. Later, two more years of forced labor were added. In December 2004, she was sentenced to three years in prison.

    Ms. Yang Huanying was forcibly detained nine days at the Doumen Detention Center on December 14, 2000. She was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center from February 5, 2001 to May 16, 2001. From May 16, 2001 to September 7, 2001, she was detained in the Minfu Brainwashing Center in Zhuhai city. During December 21, 2001 she was detained in the Doumen Detention Center for more than a month. From February 8 to April 9, 2002, she was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center. From December 29 to September 29, 2003, she was detained in the Sanshui Brainwashing Center. From January 7, 2005 to June 2, 2006, she was detained in the Sansui Forced Labor Camp.

    Ms. Zhen Aixin, on December 15, 2000 was forcibly sent to the Doumen Detention Center and detained for eight days. From March 5 to March 19, 2001, she was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center. From March 19, 2001 to April 12, 2002, she was sentenced to three years of forced labor. From April 12 to July 2002, she was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center. From July 2002 to June 16, 2004, she was sentenced to forced labor in Sanshui City.

    Mr. Chen Zhitao was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center for two months from February 2001. He was detained in the Zhuhai City Brainwashing Center for eight months from April 2001. He was beaten, not allowed to eat and endured many other inhumane tortures. He was also detained in the Sanshui Brainwashing Center for six months from March 2004.

    Mr. Lin Lisheng was detained for 15 days when he went to Beijing to appeal on January 28, 2000. In July 2000, he was detained for 15 days. On February 5, 2001, he was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center for six months. On October 6, 2001, he was detained in the Zhuhai City Minfu Brainwashing Center for two months.

    Ms. Deng Shejiao was forcibly arrested on December 14, 2000 and detained in the Doumen District Detention Center for nine days. From February 5 to June 25, 2001, she was detained in the Doumen Brainwashing Center. During that time on March 23, she was sent to the detention center for 15 days. From June 25 to August 30, 2001, she was detained in the Zhuhai City Minfu Brainwashing Center. From December 10, 2003 to March 12, 2004, she was detained in the Sanshui City Brainwashing Center.

    Ms. Lin Ciuchan was detained in both Doumen and Zhuhai Brainwashing Centers and sentenced to a year of forced labor.

    Mr. Zhang Jinqiu was detained for two months at the Zhuhai Minfu Brainwashing Center on October 10, 2001.

    Mr. Wang Weijun was detained in both the Doumen and Zhuhai Brainwashing Centers. Mr. Wang was sentenced to three years in prison. He is presently detained in Sihui Prison.

    Ms. Zou Xiaoqin was detained for ten days from June 19 to 29, 2006. Her house was ransacked.

    Ms. Zhou Zhuqin’s house was ransacked by vicious police on June 10, 2006. She is presently detained in the Doumen Detention Center. Her current situation is not clear.

    Ms. Chan Dangling, Ms. Lu Jinhua, Ms. Lu Zhongyue and Mr. Tan Weihua were sent many times to brainwashing classes and forced labor camps and sentenced to prison.

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Anqiu City, Shandong Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the Minghui website, the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.

    1. Ms. Zhao Lixi and some fellow practitioners went to Beijing on January 26, 2000 to ask the central government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. While in Beijing, police handcuffed them and took them to the Linwu Detention Center. Police also extorted 2,000 yuan from them as ransom. The practitioners' families were constantly monitored and harassed.

    2. Ms. Chen Xiuwen was suspended from her job without pay solely because she was a Falun Gong practitioner. In March 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal to the government, but police arrested her in Tiananmen Square. They sent her back home where she was imprisoned in a detention center for five days. Her son, who attended school in Weifang City, was threatened with dismissal, and her husband was also under great pressure at his place of employment.

    On November 28, 2001, the police forced Chen Suwen to attend brainwashing sessions. However, Chen Xiuwen went on a hunger strike to resist their persecution. In February 2002, she escaped from the brainwashing center, and was forced to become homeless. Prior to this round of persecution, Chen’s home had once been ransacked, and her pay from work had been suspended from early in 2000 through when she retired in 2004.

    3. On April 15, 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yun Jiying from Dianzi Village, Wushan District, Weifang City, was holding a banner in Tiananmen Square that stated "Falun Dafa is Good." She was arrested and taken to the Anqiu office in Beijing. They then sent her to the Anqiu City Detention Center.

    On June 18, 2000 Ms Yun was arrested and again detained in the Anqiu City Detention Center, this time for ten days. After she was released to her home, police still kept her under surveillance.

    On March 10, 2001, Ms. Yun was again taken to a 610 Office brainwashing center for "transformation."

    4. Ms. Li Xiuyu, 42, from Hanjiafu Village, Anqiu City, went to Beijing to appeal to the government on October 13, 1999, but was arrested. The next day, she was driven back to Anqiu Police Station where she was imprisoned for fifteen days.

    On the evening of February 23, 2000 she was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center, where she was held for fifteen days. After going on a four-day hunger strike, she was released.

    On March 6, 2000, Li Xiuyu again went to Beijing to appeal, but local police officers arrested her and sent her to a brainwashing facility. After a five-day hunger strike, she was released without condition.

    In June 2000, Li Xiuyu and her sister went to Beijing to appeal again. When they reached Tiananmen, they were arrested and detained. They were transferred to a brainwashing center on the following day. After a three-day hunger strike to protest the persecution, they were released. Tragically, her sister is now having mental problems resulting from being persecuted.

    On October 25, 2000, policeman Liu drove up to the door of Li Xiuyu’s home, handcuffed her, and drove her to a brainwashing session. She escaped, but was then forced to become homeless to avoid further persecution.

    On November 13, 2000, when Li Xiuyu and a fellow practitioner were passing out truth materials, she was arrested and her home was ransacked. They sent her to a detention center where she held a hunger strike for six days. She was released after a family member was forced to pay 120 yuan.

    Ever since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the authorities have harassed her and her family, causing them to live in terror.

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