41. Living a New Life

  By a Western practitioner in the U.S.   

  I want to share with you the profound changes I've experienced in my life since beginning to practice Falun Dafa a little over a year ago. The differences are like night and day. In order for you to appreciate these differences, I must share a little about my life from the time I was a child all the way up until I started to practice.   

  When I was only four years old, my parents divorced. With my younger brother and mother, I moved around a lot, went to many different schools and wound up spending most of my time with older kids who introduced me to many negative things. From a very early age, drugs and sex were a driving force in my life. These elements determined everything in my life, dictating my thoughts and actions. I eventually quit school at the age of 15 because I was consumed with this demonic nature. I was good-natured at the core, but my lifestyle with drugs and women not only hurt me but also affected others, especially women.  

  Somewhat miraculously, despite my clouded state I was always able to hold down a decent paying job ever since I dropped out of school. I was also able to marry at the age of 19 and hold the marriage together until now, 24 years later. During this time I raised two healthy daughters, both of whom thrive in school. Because of an innate goodness I was able to instill in my children a sense of morality and provide them with a stable environment. All the while, however, to support my bad side I always had a second job that went solely to my addictions. But no matter how they consumed me, they were unable to destroy my divine nature and my longing to cultivate.   

  One day my mother told me about a qigong practice called Falun Gong. In the past, there were many things that my mother had tried to introduce me to so that I could break free from my bad habits, but this was somehow different. he moment she told me about Falun Gong, I felt a subtle but powerful spark from within. I didn't want her to push anything on me, so I kept that feeling to myself. Nonetheless, the very next day she brought over Master Li's exercise video and took me through some of the exercises. Something clicked and shined like gold, but again, I kept it to myself.   

  I called my mom and asked her about the Falun Gong practice site in my area. I told her I wanted to go to the next one. She told me the time and location and I planned to go, but on the way to the practice site I got lost and ended up being an hour late. But for whatever reasons, the class didn't start on time. hey too were an hour late. I was very pleased and apologized for being late. As we practiced the exercises that day, I felt very strong energy sensations throughout my whole body. I was amazed. I took home from the practice site the exercise videotape and the book, Falun Gong. I learned the exercises the next day and began reading the book. I exercised and studied each day until the next group practice, a week later.   

  That week my thoughts became clearer and clearer until a miraculous thing occurred. At the time, I had no thoughts or desires for Falun Gong to remove my addictions. In fact, I wasn't even trying to quit the drugs, alcohol, and womanizing at that point in my life. I had tried numerous times before to break those habits, but on more than one occasion I wound up in the hospital because of overwhelming withdrawal symptoms and physical shutdown. But as I practiced and studied the Fa that week, I realized that I wanted clarity. I realized that I wanted to practice and study more and that these negative things were getting in the way. hat week I did fewer and fewer negative things, until the morning of the next group practice when I came to the realization that I didn't want to do those things at all. More than anything, I wanted to go to that next class clean. I threw out my drugs and alcohol and from that day since, I have never gone back. What is even more miraculous is that I didn't encounter any degree of cravings or a desire to go back to that way of life. My life was utterly changed, so quickly, so naturally. My family and friends were completely amazed. hank you so much, Master Li.  

  So many profound changes have come over me in a little over one year's time. I now have a new understanding about life. he purpose of life is for me to return to my original, true self and ascend from my previous life of delusion. My only desires now are to be Truthful and Compassionate and to always Forbear. I never lose my temper and always consider others when I speak. Now that I have found Dafa, my wife and daughters always smile, as do the rest of my family and friends.