40. Reading Zhuan Falun Reunited My Family

  By a young practitioner in China  

  Zhuan Falun transformed my family life. Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, my family would quarrel incessantly. Since studying Zhuan Falun, my family relationships have improved. After finishing Zhuan Falun for the first time, I began studying it regularly, doing the exercises with my classmates, and cultivating steadily in my daily life. To my surprise, I found myself changing. I stopped competing with others and began to think from other people's perspective. If there was something that others did not want to do but should be done, I would take the initiative and do it myself. At the time, my father was having an extramarital affair. He also had a bad temper and would fight with my mother. His heart was not in our home. Since I knew Zhuan Falun was a good book, I introduced it to my mother. hen, a miracle happened. After my mother read this book, my parents, who were divorced at the time, gradually started to get along. hey went to the south to work together. Now they are living together again as a happy couple. My mother said that soon, when their business stabilizes, they will send for me!  

  My family and I had been shrouded in darkness. After reading Zhuan Falun, my family has gone through a transformation process. Now I am enjoying the love of both parents. My family is very peaceful and harmonious. I feel so fortunate and so happy!