37. When I Was Seeking Revenge,

I Found Zhuan Falun Instead

  By a practitioner in China  

  Before learning Falun Gong, I had a really bad temper. I was very short fused, and often made a big deal out of trivial issues. I picked on my wife. I liked to break things when I had a tantrum, and I felt quite exhilarated afterwards. My mental breakdowns often scared my kids, and agonized my wife to the point of crying. My family was on the brink of breaking up. Away from home, I was the one who had to have the last word. I was crazy about money, and would fight to the last penny. I wouldn't mind going to jail for the right amount of money. I was extremely jealous. Due to my own bad temperament, I suffered poor health with numerous illnesses, such as migraine headaches, high blood pressure, bronchitis, and a slipped disk in my lower back that pressed against the nerves of my legs. I could not even take care of myself if it flared up. I couldn¨t even turn over in bed. I was suffering beyond words.  

  One incident finally caused me to give up all hope. Some hoodlums and deputies in the County Police Department conspired to swindle 50,000 yuan out of me in a business deal. hey even threw me in the County Detention Center for 15 days. Even the jail guard was angry about this conspiracy, and urged me to file a lawsuit against the police after I got out. I traveled far to file my lawsuit papers to the Director of Public Safety. Yet, the director told me, "Even if they are convicted, you won't get your money back." I had no place to file my complaint even though I was in the right. I had no place to appeal, even when I had been wrongly accused. From this point on, the people that I hated most were the police. It has been said, "Ten years is not a long wait for a person seeking revenge." I thought about buying a gun. I would get revenge by killing these parasites fattened by the blood and sweat of the people. I would get rid of these hoodlums for the people. hat was the one and only thought then on my mind.   

  While I was looking for a gun all over the place, I was fortunate to instead come upon Master Li's book, Zhuan Falun. I read the book from cover to cover in one pass. I realized why we live as humans, and how to live as a human. Today, mankind's ideologies are built upon self-interest. Everyone has sinned while lost in this labyrinth. If you mistreat me, I will treat you even worse. People will kill over trivial issues. I finally understood the principle of "rewards and consequences will await both good and bad deeds," and, "One will pay back for one's own bad deeds." Master Li said, "Many people just live to prove their point or save face and will hang themselves when they cannot deal with things anymore. ̄ (Zhuan Falun)  Was it worthwhile? I was like a balloon with all its air let out. My criminal intention to kill for revenge was totally uprooted and dispersed. It was Master Li who saved me from a potential catastrophe in my life. he outcome would have been unthinkable.   

  Since I have practiced Falun Dafa, my explosive temper has disappeared, together with my jealousy. My lower back pain and headaches are all miraculously gone, just like my other illnesses. My body is in good health. My family life is much more harmonious and perfectly satisfactory. Gone are the sounds of arguments and squabbles. My cultivation still has a long way to go. When others hurt my feelings, I cannot quite be at ease with them. Sometimes I will still be mad inside myself. Master Li has said that forbearance is the key to improving one's character, and that to endure with hatred, grievances or tears is the forbearance of an ordinary person who is attached to his misgivings. To bear without any hatred or grievance at all is the forbearance of a practitioner. I can do much more to improve on my forbearance, as I am far short of the level of Master Li's requirement. But at least I can control myself and not hurt others, and not fight with others.   

  I can see the vast difference in myself before and after cultivation practice. It is Falun Dafa that transformed me, and that allowed me to see the hope and glory. Master Li has taught us how to build an unselfish, considerate, righteous attitude through cultivation. One should return to one's original, true self.   

  This is why all over the country, Falun Dafa practitioners are adopting various means to clarify the truth about the persecution. They are willing to face the tremendous pressure, risking their lives and careers to step forward. Many of them have been imprisoned without reason, and many have suffered atrocious tortures. hey are facing and braving everything while following the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance."