(Clearwisdom.net) To commemorate Falun Gong practitioners who were tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and call on New Zealanders to pay attention to the CCP's crimes and human rights violations in China, Falun Gong practitioners in New Zealand will hold events on Elizabeth Square in downtown Auckland on the morning of July 18, 2009. In advance of the activity, New Zealand political leaders wrote letters to express their support and call for an end of the persecution.
Political leaders supporting Falun Gong
Political leaders in New Zealand support Falun Gong
The Hon Mr. Murray McCully, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Hon Mr. Peter Dunne, Minister of Revenue and head of United Future Political Party; Dr. Pita Sharples, Minister of Maori Affairs; the Hon Keith Locke, Member of Parliament (MP) and Green Party spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Hon Dr. Paul Hutchison, member of the National Party and Chairman of the Health Committee; the Hon Mr. John Banks, Mayor of Auckland; Hon Ms. Maryan Street, MP of Labor Party; Hon Mr. Te Ururoa Flavell, MP of Maori Party; and several ministers, MPs, and mayors wrote letters to express their support and greetings to Falun Gong practitioners. They also expressed their concern about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
The Hon Keith Locke, MP and Green Party spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that during the sad tenth anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong, he represents the Green Party to send greetings to all Falun Gong practitioners in the rally. The Green Party will continue working for the freedom of belief for Falun Gong practitioners in China and the rights of all Chinese people.
The Hon Ms. Maryan Street, MP of the Labor Party expressed her understanding on the significant meaning of Falun Gong practitioners' event.
The Hon Mr. Peter Dunne, Minister of Revenue, stated his support for the rally calling for an end to the CCP's persecution.
Well-known Radio Station host: Falun Gong practitioners show great uncompromising courage

Mr. Barry Wilson, president of the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties
Mr. Barry Wilson, a renowned human rights attorney and president of the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties, and member of the Committee to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) said that many MPs and the Mayor of Auckland expressed their best wishes, which means they know about the persecution of Falun Gong. Free trade agreements make New Zealand government cautious in dealing with China. New Zealanders worry that the trade agreements might make the government not speak up for human rights in China. Mr. Wilson stated that government leaders should read the 'Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China' by David Matas and David Kilgour and use every opportunity to put forward the human right issue to China.
Falun Gong practitioners show great uncompromising courage. They are not afraid of the CCP regime but defend their own belief. The CCP tortures Falun Gong practitioners and defames them. The CCP regime even harvests vital organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit.
The Maori's promise

AmatoAkarana-Rewi, a chief of the Maori tribe
AmatoAkarana-Rewi, a chief of the Maori tribe, stated, "I hope more and more of New Zealand's people will stand up to support Falun Gong. In New Zealand, Falun Gong practitioners are protected, which is a promise of the Maori people."
"Elder New Zealand people tell young kids that communism is evil. When I first saw the DVD exposing the CCP's organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners, my people and I shed tears. The Maori people support Falun Gong and wish to share the pain of Falun Gong practitioners. In this life, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to support Falun Gong and justice.
"My father said to me when he was alive, 'If you meet Chinese people in hardship, you must help them.' I promised him but I could not understand why until I met the Falun Gong practitioners. Now more and more Maori people practice Falun Gong. One of my friends had severe heart disease. He visited his family doctor every two weeks and had blood tests. He had edema and poor hearing. After practicing Falun Gong for four weeks, all his symptoms were gone. The doctors felt it was a miracle. I hope Falun Gong will spread to each tribe in New Zealand and have more Maori people benefit from it."
Jia Jia: Falun Gong practitioners are models for the Chinese people

Mr. Jia Jia, former CCP official and Director of Shanxi Province Specialist Association for Science and Technology
Mr. Jia said, "The CCP has persecuted Falun Gong for ten years. Falun Gong practitioners continue explaining the facts and exposing the CCP's lies. The CCP's lies actually helped Falun Gong since everyone knows the CCP is evil. Falun Gong is a great righteous force, which is known by every Chinese with a conscience. At the same time, Falun Gong has becomes renowned in the world. Many people practice Falun Gong.
"The spreading of the truth about Falun Gong will make New Zealanders change their attitude from not understanding to understanding and supporting. The support from government officials turns the efforts against the persecution into a social topic. Recently Prime Minister Mr. John Key sent a letter to congratulate 55 million people quitting the CCP. This is encouraging.
"The CCP will be disintegrated soon. The persecution will end too. For Chinese people, the issue is to select righteousness and justice or stand with the CCP. Falun Gong practitioners' uncompromising courage is a model for Chinese people. Falun Gong practitioners save others while they are persecuted. In the twenty months since I renounced the CCP and left China, I've had a deep experience. When the CCP attempted to kill me, Falun Gong practitioners protected me with their lives. This is Falun Gong's great spirit."