Washington D.C.: Parade Against the Persecution Touches Easterners and Westerners (Photos)

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 18, two thousand Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world held a parade against the persecution through the streets of Washington D.C. The parade, led by the Divine Land Marching Band, took off from the Washington Monument, went along Constitution Avene and K Street and ended at Farragut Square. The procession attracted many local citizens and tourists. Many government employees also came out to see the parade.

The Epoch Times: Chinese Ambassador Admits to Pressuring Eutelsat to Discontinue NTDTV's Signal (Photo)

Sun Yuxi, Chinese ambassador to Italy, admits that Eutelsat discontinued NTDTV's broadcast signal after his repeated negotiations with the European satellite company. (The Epoch Times)

(Clearwisdom.net) Since the report on July 10 from Reporters without Borders on China's involvement in Eutelsat's decision to discontinue NTDTV's signal on its W5 satellite to Asia, new evidence has surfaced to confirm that the signal suspension is purely a political decision, and not caused by technical difficulties as initially claimed by Eutelsat.

Japan: Rally at Chinese Consulate in Osaka Calls for An End to Persecution (Photos)

Falun Gong practitioners held a rally at the Chinese Consulate in Osaka calling for an end to the persecution

A practitioner reads a statement

Consulate officials attempt to take photos of the rally

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