Australia: The Divine Performing Arts Troupe Holds Three Shows in Melbourne (Photos)

( On March 23-24, 2007, the Divine Performing Arts Troupe held three shows in Melbourne. While the 56th World Swimming Championships and Formula One World Championship were held in the town, about 6000 people from different cultures chose to watch the Divine Performing Arts Troupe's performances in Reagent Theatre.

Germany: People in Passau Condemn the Chinese Communist Party's Trade in Organs Harvested from Living Falun Gong Practitioners (Photo)

( On March 16, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Passau held an activity to expose the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) atrocity of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Upon hearing about this, many people found it hard to believe that nowadays such bestial cruelty still exists in China.

AAP (Australia): Troupe Brings Chinese Traditional Culture to Australia

( BRISBANE, March 23 AAP - Many Australians think of China in two ways.

The first image is that of an emerging global economic powerhouse, rapidly rising on the back of a colossal working population.

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