(Clearwisdom.net) On September 13th, 2006, Canadian former Member of Parliament Mr. David Kilgour held a press conference in Paris to inform the media about an investigation report into allegations of organ harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners in China. Mr. Kilgour co-authored the report with Canadian human rights lawyer, David Matas. After the press conference, conference chairwoman Ms. Marie-Françoise Lamperti, (also chair of "Working Together for Human Rights" [Agir Ensemble pour les Droits de l'Homme]) and her colleague, Mr. Jean-Jacques Sicurani, talked to journalists.

Ms. Marie-Françoise Lamperti, Mr. David Kilgour, and Mr. Jean-Jacques Sicurani (right to left)

Ms. Lamperti said that upon hearing of the tragedies occurring in China, she was infuriated, and then what came to her mind was that the world must take action to expose the atrocities. She wholeheartedly supports what Mr. Kilgour and Mr. Matas have done, and expressed that she would participate in the global anti-persecution campaign. Mr. Sicurani added that human rights abuse against any individual is tantamount to abuse against human beings as a whole.

Ms. Lamperti and Mr. Sicurani immediately contemplated how to take action. Ms. Lamperti held that to get the French general public and media's support we first need to let them know what's going on (in China). Then we can consider how to take action jointly. For one thing, we may express our support for the Chinese people who don't approve of what the Chinese Communist regime has done. We may also ask French Members of Parliament to respond to the incident, as they are representatives of the people. We may also tell French lawyers this matter, so that they may support their colleagues in China, as there have been many lawyers dis-barred in China for speaking out against the government's human rights abuses.

On the other hand, we need to ask various governments in Europe to release a joint statement of condemnation. Ms. Lamperti and Mr. Sicurani suggested that a representative office of civil society be established in the United Nations to remind all member countries to fulfill their responsibilities.

As the 2008 Summer Olympic Games are planned in Beijing, Ms. Lamperti thought that from the perspective of civil society, we should appeal to the Olympic Games' highest authorities, and in the meantime, we should remind the businesses that are investing in Olympic Games projects (of the situation). Ms. Lamperti and Mr. Sicurani hoped that France is able to boycott the Olympic Games to prevent the Games from being held in such a country.

In terms of the background of organ harvesting from living humans, and the Chinese Communist regime's persecution against Falun Gong, Ms. Lamperti said that perhaps the reason for the Chinese regime (Chinese Communist Party) to regard Falun Gong as a threat to its power is because Falun Gong can bring people freedom of spirit.

Mr. Sicurani maintains the thought that Falun Gong is not a threat; it is the authorities that imagined it as a threat. As a matter of fact, there is not any evidence to show that Falun Gong is a threat. He added that history has told us that all persecutions are meaningless, and all the autocratic regimes will eventually collapse. It is just a matter of time.