All practitioners in Pingdong greet Master's birthday

( May 13, 2006, is Master's birthday and the seventh World Falun Dafa Day. Young practitioners in Pingdong Minghui School followed local adult practitioners to a local park and had art performance to send birthday greetings to Master.

The young practitioners aged from 4 to 13 years. They practiced the exercises and read Dafa books on lawn in the morning. A group of children played Tang Drum following the music of song "Falun Dafa is good."

Dragon and phoenix showing auspicious, Heaven and Earth celebrate together. (Shen Ru's drawing)


Young practitioners practice the exercises

Young practitioners practice the exercises

Young practitioners read Dafa books

Young practitioners drew attentively

Tang drum performance

Tang drum performance

At the end of the event, the young practitioners made drawing to express appreciation to Master. Following is their drawings:

Chu Jun's drawing

Words in image: Falun Dafa is great.

Hsiao Han's drawing

Chi Jie's drawing

Li Hong's drawing

Song Yu's drawing

Hong Yu's drawing