(Clearwisdom.net) Confucius traveled to many kingdoms to spread his views. One time he left the Kingdom of Wei for the Kingdom of Chen via Kuang City.

The people in Kuang City mistook Confucius as Yang Hu from Lu. Indeed, Confucius looked like Yang Hu. Yang Hu had invaded Kuang City before, and the people in Kuang City resented Yang Hu very much, so they encircled Confucius and his followers. The situation became very tense, and his followers were afraid. Confucius said, "King Wen of Zhou has died and the cultural system of Zhou has fallen upon me. If heaven wants the system to die, it will not allow me to master it. If heaven doesn't want the system to die, what harm can the people of Kuang City do to me?"

After Confucius and his followers were surrounded for five whole days, they were finally out of danger.

During the times Confucius traveled to various kingdoms, he had come across similar situations many times. Confucius once came across somebody who wanted to harm him. Confucius said, "Heaven bestowed upon me such virtue. What can he do to me?"

From Analects of Confucius