Based on eyewitness descriptions, Falun Gong practitioners have reproduced and photographed the following scenes of brutal torture that have taken place at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province:
1. "Pushing Forward"

Four or five criminal prisoners or guards forced a Falun Dafa practitioner to lie down on his stomach. Two of them grabbed the practitioner's legs and turned his ankles outward. Two others pulled the practitioner's arms up behind his back and quickly pushed them straight forward, past the head and down towards the floor. They repeated this many times. One could hear the sound of bones and joints cracking and breaking. It hurts so much that the practitioner might lose consciousness. One criminal prisoner tightly held the practitioner's head and neck down on the ground, making it difficult for the practitioner to breathe. The practitioner's face was rubbed against the floor. It was very painful. Many practitioners suffered this kind of inhumane torture. Practitioners Sun Kaiqing, Yun Fuqi, Huang Tiecheng, Sun Tongqing, Yang Xueqiu, and Yan Jiguo were tortured in this way. Many other practitioners whose names have not been determined have also suffered this torture.
2. "Tightening Up"

Six or seven criminal prisoners or guards forced a Falun Dafa practitioner to lie down on his/her stomach. Some of them held the practitioner's legs down, while others sat on his back. Two of them pulled the practitioner's arms behind his back and inserted square-shaped hard objects, like toothbrushes or iron rods between his fingers. Then they squeezed the practitioner's fingers while one of them turned the hard objects in their hands. The flesh on the fingers peeled off, and some practitioners' fingers were broken. These criminals did not even wait for the fingers to heal before starting another round of torture. They would torture practitioners repeatedly in this way. It became more and more painful each time. Practitioners Yun Fuqi, Sun Tongqing, Huang Tiecheng, and others suffered this kind of torture.
3. Sticking needles into practitioners' bodies

Guards at the forced labor camp directed criminal prisoners to stick needles into practitioners' face, neck, back, chest, etc. The needles are especially made for use in the textile industry. They are more than four inches long. The criminals stuck those needles into practitioners' bodies so deep that sometimes they couldn't pull them out. It was so painful that anyone tortured in this way would find it almost impossible to endure. Practitioners Sun Kaiqing, Yun Fuqi, Zhang Xiangfu, Yu Guanghe, Zhang Ticao, and others suffered this kind of torture.
4. Giving practitioners shocks with electric batons

5. Kicking practitioners' lower abdomen