
New York State Assembly


Whereas, a Great State is only as great as those persons and or organizations who give exemplary services to their community, whether through participation in voluntary programs, through unique personal achievement in their professional or other endeavors or simply through a lifetime of good citizenry; and

Whereas, such service, which is truly the lifeblood of the community and the state, so often goes unrecognized and unrewarded; now therefore be it

Resolved, that as a duty elected Member of the State Assembly of New York, I recognize that in

The Falun Dafa Practice

We have an outstanding practice, one which is worthy of the esteem of both the Community and the great State of New York.

Date May 13th, 2004

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and Signature

Carl E. Neastie

Member of Assembly

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