(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners detained in Jiangshuiquan Women's Labor Camp in Jinan City, Shandong Province, suffered from many kinds of persecution. In the past few months, brainwashing teams have used various means of torture on over 30 practitioners. The team has viciously handcuffed, tied up, and hung up practitioners; they have grabbed them by the hair and banged their heads against the wall; they have beaten practitioners to the ground, kicked their heads and feet with heavy shoes, tied their hands behind their backs in excruciating positions, and forced practitioners to hold a squatting position for long periods of time.
In addition, from July until September 20, the labor camp did not allow practitioners' families to visit them. All the visiting rooms were occupied by the brainwashing team, who covered up the windows with bed sheets, as they were afraid that their actions might be exposed.
Below are brief accounts of the experiences of some of the practitioners who have been persecuted in Jiangshuiquan Women's Labor Camp:
Ms. Chi Xiaomei, over 50, was locked in the guards' chamber just because she did not attend a flag-raising ceremony. She was not allowed to drink water for nearly two months. She was also handcuffed while team head Zhang Yongmei kicked her in the stomach and head, and she wasn't allowed to sleep. Ms. Chi has been moved to a different location, and her current whereabouts are not known.
Ms. Li Xiuyun, 53, was tortured with brutal means many times because she would not renounce Falun Dafa. This May, she was locked in a small cell for over one month. Team heads Sun Juan, Liu Ruiqin and Liu Jianhui beat and swore at her, and used various means of torture on her every day. She was tied up, handcuffed, hung up, and shocked with electric batons all over her body. Team head Sun Juan kicked Ms. Liu in the head with leather boots. Sun Juan also bound Ms. Liu's neck and mouth with adhesive tape so that she could not speak or cry out while Sun tortured her. After only one month of detention, Ms. Li had become extremely thin and she was released.
Ms. Wang Cuifang, 59, was detained by the brainwashing team. She was hung and tied up, beaten and sworn at. She recited some Falun Dafa teachings, so team head Sun Juan bound her mouth and neck with layers and layers of sticky tape. Then Sun Juan beat Ms. Wang's face and ears, and put Ms. Wang's hands on the ground and stomped on them. Ms. Wang resolutely said, "Even if you beat me to death, I still will not renounce Falun Dafa." In the end, Sun Juan released Ms. Wang because she was afraid that Ms. Wang might die in detention. Ms. Wang's hands became black and swollen due to the torture.
Ms. Du Yifeng refused to write a pledge renouncing Falun Dafa, and thus was detained in a bathroom and hung up by her arms for eight days. After she was taken down, her feet and legs were black and swollen, and she could not walk. Nonetheless, she was still forced to do hard labor in the workshop, where she was brutally tortured many times.
Ms. Zhang Guifeng firmly practiced Falun Dafa and refused to participate in forced labor. Thus, she was tortured to the point that she vomited blood. She was tied up and hung up for 12 days and not allowed to sleep. After she was let down, Ms. Zhang was detained for more than 40 additional days. When she was finally released, Ms. Zhang was covered with bruises, she had become extremely thin, her stool contained blood, and she could not keep her balance when standing. On a separate occasion, Ms. Zhang was detained for 22 days. She was tied up and hung from a heating pipe, then beaten and sworn at, and deprived of sleep. The guards sealed her mouth and threatened that she would be tortured to death if she did not renounce Falun Gong. Sun Juan, who was the most vicious of the guards, used handcuffs and electric batons to torture practitioners.
Ms. Wang Wenfang, 62, had her hands tied behind her back and the head of the brainwashing team hung her up. She was then beaten and sworn at as they tried to forcibly brainwash her.
Ms. Sun Xiufang was hung up, beaten up and sworn at. As part of the brainwashing process, she was handcuffed and not allowed to drink any water or use the toilet. When she was released, Ms. Sun's hands and feet were swollen.
Ms. Sun Chongzhen was tortured several times.
Ms. Hu Xinlan, 60, was tortured several times.
Ms. Li Guangqin, 50, was taken away in the evening by male guards. They locked her in the guards' chamber and hung her up, handcuffed and bound. She was not allowed to use the toilet, forcing her to urinate in her pants. The smell of the guards' chamber was repulsive. Ms. Li was not released until she had been tortured for a long time. She became thin and her skin developed a sickly, sallow appearance. Ms. Li was tortured several times.
Ms. Yang Chengmei was tied up for 57 days and force-fed. Team head Wang Shuzhen added some unknown drugs to her food, and after being force-fed with it, Ms. Yang became so drowsy that she could not even open her eyes. She soon lost consciousness.
Ms. Zhang Jimei was tortured to the point of mental collapse.
Ms. Lin Qingfang was tortured many times in Team No. 1 and had become extremely thin by the time she was released.
Written on November 27, 2004