(Clearwisdom.net June 8) On May 24, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners from Kansas held an outdoor event at Watson Park in Lawrence, Kansas. Many local residents came to learn the Falun Gong exercises and hear the truth about the persecution in China.

At about 1:00 p.m. a photographer from the local newspaper came to photograph people learning the exercises. At 2:00 p.m. a reporter began to interview the Falun Gong practitioners and learned about the persecution from the practitioners and from the picture display that was setup by practitioners from the Kansas City area.

A local reporter interviews the practitioners and learns about the persecution of Falun Gong in China as well as the pending litigation against Jiang Zemin (former President of China) for genocide.

Young practitioners practice the Falun Gong exercises together.

At 4:00 p.m. we concluded the event in Watson Park. More people in Lawrence have practiced the Falun Gong exercises and learned about the persecution in China as well as the peaceful and benevolent nature of Falun Gong. We feel confident that Lawrence, Kansas will have a brighter future due to the efforts of Falun Gong practitioners in the surrounding areas.

Category: April 25 Events