Time Conversion Table for "Send Forth Righteous Thoughts at Set Times"

Time Table for

Beijing Time: 5:00AM-6:00AM-7:00AM, Every Sunday Starting with June 10, 2001

(Note:12:00 AM is early morning;12:00 PM is noontime)

Cities with * use daylight saving' time

Editorial (6/3/2001): Send Forth Righteous Thoughts at Set Times

Righteous Thoughts Are Most Powerful

[Minghui Net] I would like to share with you my understanding of "righteous thoughts".

In July of 2000, a practitioner here in Saipan was invited by the Department of Arts to display his artistic skill making paintings at an evening market. Several other Falun Dafa practitioners and I accompanied him. We played the VCD of "The True Stories of Falun Gong", handed out Falun Dafa flyers and performed the exercises. At the beginning, we all stayed together in one market stall. Realizing after a while that several nearby stalls were vacant, we moved into one. The manager of the market came over to ask who we were and what we were doing. When he learned that our activities were offered free and that we were friends of the artist, he gave us permission to continue.

Participate in the Fa-Rectification with Our Righteous Conviction and Immeasurable Wisdom

May 31, 2001

[Minghui Net] The righteous conviction Dafa practitioners have towards the Fa [Great Law and principles of the universe] is indestructible, and it has the utmost and unconquerable power to eliminate the evil and rectify the cosmos. The immense benevolence that Dafa particles, who are forged by and nourished in the Fa, have towards all sentient beings who will live in the future universe is a revelation. This righteous thought is also one of the virtues that Dafa practitioners should possess through their cultivation of the Fa. Teacher said, "Dafa is being widely spread, saving all sentient beings. Although those evil beings who are completely unsalvageable cannot be saved, they still can' be allowed to do evil without end and thus persecute Dafa and its students, and the people of the world. Eliminating evil is thus doing Fa-rectification, and is also saving the world' people and sentient beings. [Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful]"

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