A Falun Dafa Practitioner and His Family in the Countryside of Quqing District, Tianjin, Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside of Weihai City, Shandong Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dashiqiao City, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, Wishes Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

A Falun Dafa Practitioner and Her Family in the Countryside of Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, Wish Compassionate Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Fengcheng City, Dandong City, Liaoning Province, Wishes Compassionate and Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dingzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

I’m grateful to Master. Thank you, Master, for your hard work!
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Tangshan City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your hard work! I am very grateful to Master for what you have given to me. I will try my best to do the three things well, let Master worry less about me, and be more proud of me. I’d like to pay my deepest respect to Master!
Two Falun Dafa Practitioner Sisters in the Countryside of Pulandian City, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Thank You Master for Your Hard Work!

Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Jiaozhou City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

We will remember Master’s teachings, study the Fa more and well, keep up with the Fa-rectification progress, cultivate ourselves solidly, fulfill our historic missions of assisting Master rectify the Fa and save sentient beings, and follow Master to our homes in Heaven.
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dingzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your mercy! Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! Master, thank you for your hard work!
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dingzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Thank You Master for Your Hard Work!

A Falun Dafa Practitioner Couple in the Countryside of Weifang City, Shandong Province, Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! We will double our efforts to do the three things well in the new year to let Master worry about us less.
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside of Jiaozhou City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! We will study the Fa more, cultivate ourselves well, look within when coming across issues, cultivate diligently, save sentient beings, and follow Master home.
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dongzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! Thank you, Master, for your hard work!
A Falun Dafa Practitioner in the Countryside of Dingzhou City, Baoding City, Hebei Province, Wishes Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Thank You, Master, for Your Compassion and Salvation!

Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Fa Study Group in the Countryside of Laixi City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! We will try our best to complete our historic mission and follow Master home!
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside of Laixi City, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinse New Year!
Ten members of three generations in my family wish Master a happy Chinese New Year! Thank you, Master, for your compassion and salvation! We would like to pay our deepest respect to Master!
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside of Wanquan District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Fa Study Groups in the Countryside of Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Countryside of Zhucheng City, Weifang City, Shandong Province, Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
A Falun Dafa Practitioner on Behalf of All Falun Dafa Practitioners in Her Village Wishes Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
We will try our best to do the three things well.