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Falling into an Abyss, Fortuitously Encountering Falun Dafa

Sept. 7, 2024 |   Prepared by a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) It was 10 years ago when I married my beloved husband, and we went on a honeymoon to visit his grandaunt, who was in her 60s. She was kindhearted, healthy, active, and treated us with great enthusiasm.

She took us to several major attractions and clarified the truth to us about Falun Dafa. She talked about her journey of how she recovered from many health issues once she practiced Falun Dafa. She also helped us quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations.

When we left, she gave us the Falun Dafa book Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and amulets, reminding us repeatedly to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I read Zhuan Falun and understood its value, but I did not start practicing this cultivation system. As time passed, influenced by the environment in China, I slowly forgot about Falun Dafa.

Our life was good. I got pregnant the second year after we got married, and our family was filled with the joy. However, I began experiencing discomfort, and my platelet counts were low during my fourth month of pregnancy. We went to hospitals in the county and then in the city, where I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia.

Despite spending tens of thousands of yuan, my condition did not improve. Instead, my platelet count continued to drop. We had no choice but to go to a large hospital in the provincial capital for treatment. At that time, we still had high hopes of having a healthy baby.

My condition not only did not improve, it actually worsened, despite the expensive treatments. My platelet counts dropped to one unit, with the normal range being between 100 and 300 units. The doctors ran out of options.

Based on their experience, it was very difficult to save both mother and baby at the same time. They suggested we choose to save either my life or the baby’s. They issued a critical condition notice and asked me to sign and confirm my decision.

I felt as if I had suddenly fallen into a deep abyss, and that my heart was being stabbed by a knife.

I thought, “What should I do? Am I going to leave this world at such a young age? Does my unborn baby not have the right to be born?” I silently and despairingly cried, with no tears left and not a glimmer of hope.

The air felt frozen. In a moment of desperation, I tore the critical condition notice to pieces and threw it on the floor. My parents, in-laws, and everyone present in the room were in tears.

At that moment, I noticed that my husband was not in the room. He ran out because he could not hold back his tears in front of me and found a place to cry aloud outside. He was trembling and did not know what to do. Suddenly, he remembered what his grandaunt had told him last year about how to deal with difficulties. He quickly took out his phone and called her.

Hearing the crying on the other end, the grandaunt said softly, “Don’t cry, it’s not clear over the phone, please speak slowly!” My husband then explained my situation.

Knowing that I was still conscious, the grandaunt wisely asked, “Do you remember the two phrases I told you last year?” My husband instantly recalled, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and quickly said, “I remember.” The grandaunt advised us to sincerely and repeatedly recite these nine words.

My husband and I continuously recited these nine words and asked Master Li to help us. Soon, a miracle happened! When the nurse measured my platelet count, it had increased. Each subsequent measurement showed an increase, and by the fourth day, it had returned to normal levels.

We embraced each other while tears covered our faces. We were very grateful to Master Li Hongzhi for saving us from the abyss and giving us a new life. He also gave us a complete and happy family. The doctors were puzzled by my rapid improvement. They told us that everything else was back to normal, and I could be discharged.

When my pregnancy reached full term, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl. She is now 10 years old, and I later gave birth to a second child, who is now 4 years old. Our family is truly happy.

I often reflect on this miraculous experience. Words cannot express the gratitude my family and I feel for Master Li. We bow in deep gratitude, to Master Li Hongzhi!