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Master Guides Me Through Cultivation Tests

Sept. 7, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) When I did the one hour long version of the second Falun Dafa exercise on July 3, 2024, my body suddenly began shivering and twitching. Through my third eye I saw a ball of fire about one meter in front of me. I felt cold and weak—then I felt hot, then cold. I sat down when the exercise music ended.

I sent righteous thoughts: “I do not acknowledge the persecution, I will eliminate all evil factors in my dimension. Master, please strengthen me!” After twenty minutes, my body felt light, comfortable, and normal. I remembered that Master forewarned me of this situation the day before. At that time I saw a wall about one meter high in front of me; and the next morning this occurred!

When another practitioner visited me later that day, I told her what happened. She was delighted to hear that I passed another test and congratulated me. We went out as usual to tell people about Falun Dafa and the persecution. I am grateful to Master for helping me pass such a big test in my Dafa cultivation practice.

I would like to share another amazing story. I developed a lump behind my left shoulder blade; it was not painful, but over time it became a large callus. After my mother lanced it a dark gray substance drained out. The wound healed, leaving no trace of the callus. A friend of mine had something similar grow on her back. Unfortunately, it cost her thousands of yuan to remove it, and months to recover.

Over the years, I’ve experienced many similar incidents, and passed the tests. I feel so fortunate that Master eliminated my karma and guided me on the path of cultivation.

Thank you, Master Li Hongzhi, for your compassionate salvation!