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Mother’s Hearing Restored After Sincerely Reciting Falun Dafa's Auspicious Phrases

Sept. 5, 2024 |   By Lu Shu

(Minghui.org) About three months ago, my mother was talking to her nephew through a video chat when suddenly she could not hear anything. She did not think too much about it at the time, but decided to make some changes in her daily health practices.

After that, she began eating healthier food and avoiding meat, but her hearing did not improve. She could not hear people knocking on her door or the ringing of the phone. The hearing difficulty continued for two months without any sign of improvement. She became concerned, so we decided to take her to see an expert in ear, nose, and throat problems.

The doctor ordered an MRI, and after reviewing the result, he declared the hearing difficulty to be due to aging, which affected her inner ear. There was no specific treatment available, but my mother could consider a hearing aid. Mother felt very down after hearing the news. She loves to talk and laugh, but could no longer communicate with others. I could only imagine how she felt about that.

After another month, my mother suddenly wanted to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, so we arranged an appointment for her. The doctor was in her 50s, very down to earth and very kind. She asked for the details of my mother’s onset of hearing loss, patiently performed a health assessment, and prescribed appropriate herbs for her condition.

Before the doctor finished the visit, she asked my mother: “Do you believe in divine power? If you do, I can tell you two auspicious phrases to recite silently with a sincere heart. This, plus the medicine, might help you recover quite quickly.”

“Really? Great! Thank you so much, doctor!”

“Recite the phrases: ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ I am looking forward to hearing good news from you soon.”

My mother began silently saying the phrases around noon on her way home from the doctor’s office. After lunch and a nap, she kept on saying the phrases.

Around dinner time, we sat in the living room, about three meters away from her. I asked her something, and my mother responded!

“Mother, you can hear me?!”

“I think so.”

I went further away and talked to her; she could hear me! I went to another room to call her on her phone. She could carry on a conversation with me on the phone!

It’s amazing! It’s incredible! Even the expert had no solution. How could she get well just like that?! I was wild with joy, and my mother was highly delighted. She almost wanted to go out to the street and shout, “I can hear again! No more hearing loss!”

My mother said that just before her hearing was restored, she heard two “clicks” in her ears, and then she could hear again. We all understood that this was the “power of the divine” that the Chinese medicine doctor talked about, and it was the result of my mother’s sincere recitation of “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”