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Recalling Master’s Grace When Falun Dafa Was First Introduced

Sept. 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in Changchun, China in 1993. I later moved to Canada and am now involved in doing the three things required of Dafa practitioners. I wrote down some of my experiences from when I first began practicing to express my boundless gratitude to Master Li.

In October 1992, my older sister became healthy and looked younger after she practiced Falun Dafa. When I was 32 years old, I was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease, rheumatic arthritis, high blood lipids, and arteriosclerosis, which prevented me from working. I had to go on sick leave and practically visited all the major hospitals in Jilin city, but my condition did not improve. When my older sister said Falun Dafa was responsible for her positive changes, I decided to practice.

In the spring of 1993, I went to Shengli Park to learn the exercises. Master corrected my movements. After we practiced the exercises, I told Master about my condition. He adjusted my body on an energetic level and said “All set!” A practitioner told me, “You need to have faith!” Another practitioner said, “You need to enlighten!” I didn’t understand why practicing Falun Dafa required faith and enlightenment, but since everyone said so, there must be a reason. 

The next day, I went to the exercise site again and, after we did the exercises, Master adjusted my body. This time I said, “All set!” That evening, while I did the exercises at home, I was sweating so much that the floor was wet. I also sweat while sleeping, and my bedding was soaked. I didn’t understand what was happening. My husband said, “You should ask Master what’s happening.”

On the third day, as I walked to the park, I felt extremely light with a floating sensation. The illness symptoms I usually had were gone. When I told Master he said, “You’re healed!”

After suffering from illnesses for years and visiting many hospitals without seeing improvement, I was healed after practicing Falun Dafa for three days. I was so excited that I wanted to tell everyone I knew about Dafa. That was more than 30 years ago. I’ve been very healthy since then and never took a single pill or received an injection. I no longer needed those things.

When Master first began teaching the Fa, he went to the park to correct practitioners’ movements every morning. The first day I came, Master knew I was a newcomer.

In 1993, Master held classes at Jilin University. There were three consecutive classes, and a family member and I were in different classes. It was very hot. When I went to buy tickets, I saw Master cheerfully standing outside. He told me where the ticket window was, and that two practitioners were selling tickets inside.

Before the class started, Master stood at the door and greeted everyone. At that time, people didn’t understand much but said that Master seemed very kind and was always cheerful. Inside the venue, people chatted, children ran around, and some people fanned themselves. 

Master was about to begin teaching the Fa, but the audience didn’t know they should be quiet. Master smiled and said, “It’s really hot today. Put away your fans and calm down; you’ll feel a gentle breeze.” Some people believed him and indeed felt a gentle breeze. Those who didn’t believe felt even hotter, even though they continued fanning themselves. Everyone later understood, and the heat was no longer an issue.

In 1994, my family moved to a new residential community, which was too far from Shengli Park. I wanted to set up a practice site in a small garden. Coincidentally, practitioner Yu and his family also had the same idea. We practiced every day, from 5 to 6 o’clock in the morning and from 4 to 5 o’clock in the evening. At first, there were four of us, but more people joined, and we taught them how to practice. 

Many people couldn’t sit in the full-lotus position (placing both feet on top of one’s thighs while meditating), so some came to the site a few hours earlier to practice sitting correctly. No one wanted to fall behind and, soon, everyone was able to sit in the full-lotus position. Afterward, we formed a Fa-study group and started studying at 7:30 in the evening.

We also organized group discussions, and Yu asked me to host. Before practicing Dafa, whenever a meeting required me to speak, I would shy away because I didn’t know how to write. This was the first group discussion at our practice site, and I couldn’t back down. Seeing the room full of people, I told myself not to be afraid. 

The discussion went well. Yu’s son recorded the event. When we reviewed the video, we saw Master’s portrait on the wall perform hand mudras, and everyone was encouraged. We knew we needed to do well. Many practice sites were later established.

Master visited our practice site twice. To avoid disturbing everyone’s practice, Master said that only one assistant should be called over. After we had done the exercises, the assistant told us that Master came. We felt very encouraged. From this, we understood we shouldn’t disturb others when they practice, but we should discuss any issues we had after we finished.

When Master began introducing Falun Dafa, things were very simple. There was no office; if we needed to talk with an assistant, we went to the practitioner’s home. Master was always punctual and never arrived a second late.

Master told the assistants that Falun Dafa practitioners in Changchun should take the lead in memorizing the Fa. When we returned home and shared this with everyone, Yu suggested we form small groups, with each group memorizing a section of the Fa. 

Once each group was close to memorizing their section, we would gather at the practice site and recite together. The assistants went to each group to check their progress. On the way to the groups, I could hear the exercise music, and I knew Master was encouraging me. I put in extra effort, and it seemed I memorized the Fa even when I ate or slept. The enthusiasm was such that no one wanted to fall behind.

A cleaning crew wanted to learn Falun Dafa. So we played video recordings of Master’s nine-day lecture series and taught them the exercises. On the fourth day, I did my usual morning practice, then went downstairs at two o’clock to meet with other practitioners. As it was dark in the stairwell, I fell down the last few steps and landed on my left leg. Some practitioners heard the noise and asked if I was okay. I felt pain in my ankle, but since it was too dark to see, I said I was fine. 

While I helped the workers, the pain in my ankle made it hard for me to keep up, so I recited Master’s Fa: “When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it.” (Lecture Nine, Zhuan Falun

When daylight came, I saw that my ankle was badly swollen. Everyone advised me to rest. I used a broom to walk and noticed an old man with a white beard sitting across the street, propped up on a cane, smiling at me. When I looked again, he was gone. I thought this might be Master’s encouragement, I continued working and teaching the exercises as usual. By the end of the nine-day class, my ankle healed.

One day in 1998, everyone said they felt Master had returned to China. When some practitioners came to me, I said I didn’t know. I also felt it, but there was no notification. At 5:30 p.m., I received notice that there would be a meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Shangri-La Hotel. 

It was early when I arrived, so I sat at the front to wait. I heard someone say it was 7:30, and then someone else said Master had arrived. We didn’t know Master would come. By the time we realized it, He had already walked to the center of the venue.

Master spoke for over five hours without drinking any water. He later published the Fa teaching: “Teachings at the Conference of Changchun Assistants” It was very late by the time Master finished, but He shook hands with everyone as he exited from the venue. 

At that moment, I was clapping and in a daze. When Master extended his hand, I finally came to my senses and shook hands with him. Everyone watched as Master took the elevator up. After He left, we were reluctant to depart for a long time.

These are my personal experiences. I’m now 74 years old, and after practicing Falun Dafa for 31 years, I feel like an innocent child. Master taught me how to be a good person, what cultivation is, how to improve, and how to meet the Fa’s standards. We must study the Fa diligently, and truly cultivate ourselves—then miraculous occurrences will manifest around us. I experienced countless miracles since I began practicing, and no language can express my gratitude to Master.