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A Deep Blue Falun

Sept. 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share some of the amazing stories I have encountered in the course of my cultivation. My purpose is to validate the wonder and sacredness of Falun Dafa.

A Deep Blue Falun

When I started practicing Dafa in 1997, I was a young man who smoked, drank, played mahjong [a Chinese gambling game], and pursued meaningless fun. I didn’t believe in anything, such as karma or reincarnation. I was a typical atheist. 

Master made arrangements to dispel my atheists' concepts. One night, after we finished studying the Fa collectively, I was just about to go to bed when I saw a large Falun that was about two and a half feet in diameter appear on my right, like an oversized electric fan. It was deep blue, exactly like the dynamic Falun emblem I had seen on TV. It was quietly spinning, nine times forward and nine times in reverse.

I was stunned and asked myself, is this true? I pinched my face with my hand, and it hurt. I shook my head vigorously. I thought that it was a dream, but I realized it was reality. The Falun was clearly displayed in front of me. This scene lasted for more than a minute before disappearing. That was the only time that my celestial eye was open, and I’ve never seen anything since. Through this experience, Master let me know that Falun Dafa is true. This helped me to break my atheistic mindset.

A Golden Buddha Covers Our Exercise Site

A year after I started cultivating in 1998, I didn’t quite understand what real cultivation was, but I knew that Dafa was good so I wanted more people to cultivate.

We held a large gathering in a township to collectively practice the exercises. We were practicing in an open area on the side of an avenue, and we erected a more than 33-foot-long display board beside us for people who were predestined to see. It had photos of Master, a brief introduction to Falun Dafa, the practice movements, and so on. 

A man in his 40s who was selling something came up to me and asked, “I’m a vendor who sells small goods here. How much does this book cost?” I said eight yuan (USD$1). He said, “Can you give me a copy because my business hasn’t opened yet, so I haven’t sold anything and don’t have cash.” I thought to myself that this person might have a predestined relationship with Dafa, so I gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun. He went to his stall to read the book very carefully and happily. After a while, he came back and said, “I just sold something for a little money, I’ll give you the money for the book.” So he gave me eight yuan for the book. 

After we finished practicing, everyone started to leave for home, and I was among the first to leave. After I left, this man came over and talked to the practitioners who had packed up the display boards. He said, “Do you know why I had to ask for the book even when I didn’t have any money? Because my celestial eye has been open since I was a child, and I can see things in other dimensions that others can’t see, like deities and ghosts. I can also see Bodhisattva Guanyin and Buddha Shakyamuni. When you were practicing, a big Buddha appeared in the sky, sat on a lotus throne, stretched out his hand, and shot out a beam of golden light from his hand, covering all of you in the circle of light (in fact, he saw the energy field of our practice and Master's Fashen (law body), and you were all practicing in the circle of light. The Buddha told me to ask for the book, so I had to buy it even though I didn’t have the money.”

Several of the fellow practitioners who were present at the time were amazed to know that this exercise was by no means an ordinary fitness qigong, but the high-level Fa, and they also cherished the sacred opportunity to practice even more.

The Amazing Experience of a Predestined Man 

Another thing happened in 1998 when many of us practiced together in the morning. A man was out walking near our exercise site. He watched us for a while and then left. He came back later and asked me to teach him the exercises.

I asked him why he wanted to learn. He said that in this group of people who are practicing the exercises, each person’s body emits a different color of light. Some emit blue light, some glow yellow, and some emit other colors of light, and not only are the colors different, but the brightness of the light is also different.

We know from studying Master’s Explaining the Teachings of Zhuan Falun that a cultivator’s body will emit different colors of light when at different cultivation levels, and as the cultivator’s realm improves, the color of the light will change, and the intensity of the light will gradually increase. The higher the level, the more transparent the color will be.

At that time, many of us had just obtained the Fa, and most of us couldn’t see anything, but this person could see it clearly. This also made many practitioners more aware of the preciousness of this Dafa and greatly enhanced our confidence in cultivation.

Extraordinary Thing in a Detention Center

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Dafa in 1999. It was really a black cloud overpowering the city, and I was also illegally detained in a detention center. At that time, I did think carefully about whether this Fa was true or false, and I couldn’t figure out why good people like us were being detained. But after careful consideration, I realized that everyone should follow the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that Master taught us. There’s nothing wrong with it. Moreover, Master talked about the situation of the universe. There are some unsolved mysteries that human beings are unable to understand. Many of the practitioners who listened to the lectures and asked questions were highly educated scholars, some were top scientists, and some had doctoral degrees. The answers involved high-energy physics, astrophysics, history, geography, chemistry, music, painting, and many other fields. How can an everyday person give such profound lectures and answers?

A series of stunning events occurred in the detention center which further confirmed the extraordinary nature of Dafa. These events were really like a golden light from the sky, tearing through the haze, and illuminating the heavens. They also relieved some of my doubts and made me more convinced that Falun Dafa is true and that Master protects his disciples all the time.

A murderer was sent to my cell. He behaved like he was insane. I practiced there. He stood beside me. After a while, he fell down straight all of a sudden, and his face was covered in blood. Sometimes he fell from his bed while sitting, and this happened several times a day. At first the guards panicked, but after a while, they got used to it. They just asked someone to take care of him.

One day, he sat next to me, and suddenly asked me, “What kind of gong are you practicing? I want to learn too.” I was stunned and asked him, “Aren’t you mentally sick? How did you think of practicing?” He whispered, “I wanted to get out, so I pretended to be insane. I didn’t kill anyone.” I saw that he was speaking normally, so I told him that I practiced Falun Gong. He was surprised and said, “This is Falun Gong. I want to practice it too.” I asked, “Why do you want to do it?”

He said, “When you were practicing, I was watching from the side. When you were meditating, there was a very bright yellow ball spinning between your hands, which was very beautiful. You also had a big ball of light on the top of your head when you did the second exercise.” 

I was excited, because I couldn’t see anything myself, and I knew that Master was encouraging me through his mouth so that I could know that Master was watching over his disciples all the time. I told him that it was a Falun (law wheel), and everyone who practiced Falun Gong would have it, but some could see it and some could not. 

Then I told him a lot of things he previously didn’t understand and that he should not pretend to be crazy, and he must explain the situation to the case handler before he could be acquitted. He stopped pretending to be insane from then on and discussed Falun Gong with me when he had nothing to do. Finally, he said from the bottom of his heart: “The CCP will never be able to suppress you Falun Gong, because you believe in it so steadfastly and practice everywhere you go.”

There was another inmate. When I was practicing, he would sweep the floor while peeking at me practicing. He came and chatted with me at night, and he also saw the special scene of my practicing, the ball of light, the light circle, and he could see it very clearly. 

These people were related to Dafa, and compassionate Master used this special way to let sentient beings learn Dafa. In fact, Master is also protecting his disciples at all times. Thank you, great Master, for your hard work!

Master Opens the Top of My Head

In 2003, I was walking on a rural road. It was a dark night, and I was not familiar with the area. I was surrounded by crops without boundaries. I felt a little inexplicably fear, so I recited aloud: 

“Every form of travail has he weathered, Countless the fiends trampled under his feet; His palm erected, the whole Cosmos shakes, A grand Buddha stands between Heaven and Earth.” (“The Awakened One,” Hong Yin)

I heard a sound of “popping” while reciting, and my whole skull seemed to crack, opening and closing. I felt like the lid of my head was gone, as if the wind could blow in. Master had talked about the state of opening the top of the head in the Fa, so I was not afraid at all, but I had a special feeling. The inexplicable sense of fear just now disappeared, and my body became very light. I strode forward happily. Before I knew it, I came to the road that I was familiar with, and the road was brightly lit.

These are some of the amazing stories I have encountered in the course of my cultivation. I am not good at writing articles. I can only list these experiences to validate Dafa. What Master is talking about is the truth of the universe. But we haven’t reached high levels yet, or the time has not yet reached for us to see all the truth yet, so we sometimes have questions. This is normal. Only when you reach that level of cultivation will you understand that what Master says is true. Those of us who are fortunate enough to receive Dafa must know that it is very difficult for Master to save us, so we must know how to cherish this holy fate and be more diligent. Those who haven’t learned about Dafa yet may wish to find a copy of Zhuan Falun to see why these people are so steadfast in their belief. I sincerely hope that you will learn Dafa as soon as possible.