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My Cultivation Journey While Clarifying the Truth and Helping Inmates Quit the CCP

Sept. 3, 2024 |   By Xin Qing, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m 59 years old and I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for 25 years. I had many stubborn illnesses but they all disappeared two months after I started practicing. My body felt light and I was so happy. I behaved according to Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I was arrested and detained in a hotel for 15 days, and nearly tortured to death twice. I was later transferred to a detention center and put in a cell with 50 people. The cell leader’s nickname was “Female Tiger.” She never smiled. Every inmate was afraid of her, and the atmosphere in the cell was oppressive. It was especially hard for newcomers who secretly wept.

The Inmates Awaken

I clarified the truth to new inmates and encouraged them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. They said that life was extremely difficult and no one knew when it would end. I replied with a smile, “You’re provided with three meals a day. What difficulties do you have?”

I looked after them. I gave them rolls of tissues, clothes and snacks, and arranged bed space for them so that they could have a nap in the middle of the day. They saw that I was good to everyone and considered others first. They confided in me. I guided them with Falun Dafa’s principles. Their outlook on life gradually improved and they called me “Falun Dafa Auntie.”

I wrote two stories for them to read. The first story was about my life, how I suffered from illnesses before I practiced Falun Dafa; the hardships I endured when I moved from the countryside to the city to work and then, how became rich; how hopeless I felt when my husband was not good to me even though we had houses and other material things; how desperate I felt when my health deteriorated despite the expensive medicine I took; how I benefited from practicing Falun Dafa and became illness free; and how I became a considerate person.

The second story was about my experiences while I was detained in a hotel for 15 days. I was nearly persecuted to death and my face became deformed. The inmates were bored and liked to read my stories, and they agreed to quit the CCP. Some inmates didn’t want to read, so I asked them to check the spelling. After they read my stories they eventually agreed to quit the CCP.

Some said they didn’t know how wonderful Falun Dafa was before. Some said they were told to persuade me to give up Falun Dafa but after they read my stories, they didn’t want to. Others said they would practice Falun Dafa after they were released. Some inmates started to memorize the poems from Hong Yin. Some asked me to sing Falun Dafa songs. They were moved to tears after they listened to them.

I helped by cleaning, washing, and doing other daily chores. The inmates relied on me.

The “Female Tiger” Changes

One afternoon I sat on the bed and sent righteous thoughts while the inmates ate snacks. The cell leader came over and chatted with me. She said, “I’ve watched you for a long time. You are different from others. You do things quietly, never argue with other people, or lie. You’re good to everyone. I really admire your appearance—your skin is smooth and radiant. You’re 42. I’m only 37, but my complexion is sallow. I feel sad but I can’t talk to anyone.”

She continued, “My general manager was sentenced to 15 years. I was the deputy general manager and I was sentenced to 13 years. I filed an appeal. I’ve been detained for two years here. My father and my father-in-law were in the same military unit. My son is 12 years old. The letters I wrote to my husband each month must have been intercepted by his mother, because he didn’t get them. He hasn’t written me for two years. He also doesn’t give me any money. I don’t know what he’s doing. My parents passed away. I have two brothers. My older brother runs a small mechanical processing plant. He writes to me and sends me money every month. He told me to take it easy. He tries to see me every month, but he’s in poor health and has diabetes. He is divorced. I’m annoyed whenever I think of all these things. You are always in a good mood and don’t seem to have any worries. I admire you. How come nothing bothers you?”

I told her about Falun Dafa’s principles, and explained how I changed after I practiced Falun Dafa, why the CCP persecutes practitioners, how the CCP staged the self-immolation incident in Tiananmen Square, and why people need to quit the CCP. She understood and realized that Falun Dafa is wonderful. She agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. She asked me to find her brothers and help them quit the CCP after I was released.

Then she said, “I want to practice Falun Dafa. Can you teach me? Every morning when the inmates recite the detention rules, please teach me the exercise movements.” I said, “Exercises are only supplementary. The main thing is that you need to study the Fa and cultivate your xinxing, and follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and be good to everyone.” She agreed.

We practiced the exercises every morning. She listened as I recited the Fa. I wrote down the poems from Hong Yin and had her memorize them. She was very serious while memorizing the poems and remembered them.

Gradually she became happier, and she no longer complained, verbally abused, or criticized anyone. The inmates said she changed. She didn’t swear during the meetings, instead she said, “I have nothing to say.”

The Guards Learn the Truth

The cell leader helped me clarify the truth to the guards. The detention center’s political instructor returned after the Chinese New Year. We gave her a greeting letter. In the letter, I wrote down my story and why I was still determined to practice Falun Dafa, how the Tiananmen Square incident was staged, and why people needed to quit the CCP. She thanked us for the letter.

Two hours later, the cell door was flung open. The political instructor came in and asked loudly, “Who wrote the letter?” Everyone was frightened. I stood up and said, “It was me.” She said, “I carefully read your letter. You said your boyfriend left you when you were 19 years old after he learned that you had problem with your leg. You couldn’t bear it and came to the city alone. I think you should feel happy because such a man shouldn’t be missed. If he left you when you were old, you would be miserable. You wrote that the Tiananmen self-immolation incident was staged. I can’t do anything about that. I can only watch the guards here and make sure that they don’t violate the laws. You also asked me to spread the truth. I’m different from you. I have parents and children. I also have to make a living for my family.” She then left. All the inmates were relieved.

We decided to write letters to all the guards and the director of the prison, and give them the letters in person. More than 20 guards readily accepted our letters.

The cell leader also tried her best to send out my story and had it published on the Minghui website.

Blessed for Reciting “Falun Dafa Is Good”

One morning a middle-aged lady came to see me and brought some snacks. She said, “Thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would have died last night.” I asked her what happened. She said, “I had excruciating pain in my lower abdomen. I could hardly bear it. I was beaten yesterday for not completing the tasks. I didn’t dare to report it to the guard. In despair, I remembered that you told me that by reciting ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ I would be blessed. I repeated the words again and again. As a result the pain disappeared. Thank you so much!” I said, “Please thank Master Li, Falun Dafa's founder! Thank you for the snacks, but I cannot accept them.”

Another lady told me the day before her trial that she was wrongfully convicted, but she was afraid. She said she read the law and thought she would be sentenced to ten years. When she first came to our cell, she read truth-clarification materials and agreed to quit the CCP. She acknowledged that Falun Dafa is good. I said, “Don’t be afraid. Please repeat ‘Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ sincerely. Master Li will help you.” She was tried the next, but didn’t return to our cell because she was released.

Another lady in her thirties was on death row. She wore shackles and handcuffs. She appealed her sentence. She accepted the Dafa facts and quit the CCP. She treated practitioners kindly. She protected Dafa books whenever there was an inspection. I told her that a miracle would happen if she repeatedly said, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” sincerely. She agreed. She was reprieved from her death sentence.

I was held in the detention center for over a year and stayed in several cells. Almost all the inmates (about 200) knew the truth and agreed to quit the CCP.