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Reflection on Kindness

Sept. 2, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) I had a profound realization when sending righteous thoughts at 6 p.m., on July 11, 2024. Instead of the usual 15 minutes, my session lasted twice as long, as tears started to cover my face. Afterward, I washed my face and immediately began to write down my experience.

Let me first talk about my mother who is 85 years old. Both my mother and I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, but her cultivation journey has been challenging. Now, she is almost blind and nearly deaf. She has lost confidence in her practice, and for a period of time, her main consciousness was often confused.

Although she can’t do much now, I understand that she hasn’t truly let go of her belief, in her heart. She still remembers many poems from Hong Yin that she memorized years ago. However, my righteous thoughts are not strong, and my ability to help her is limited.

For more than half a year, I tried to help and encourage her, but, if I spoke too much, she wouldn’t let me continue. I was worried about her and could only remind her to strengthen her main consciousness, and not give up on her practice. I told her that Master has always been looking after her, which is indeed true. I encouraged her to keep up her confidence, that everything could gradually improve, and that perhaps miracles could happen with her eyes and ears. With Master’s support, my mother’s condition has indeed improved.

Today, around 6:20 p.m., after 20 minutes of sending righteous thoughts, thoughts of my mother appeared in my mind. I felt that my help to her was lacking. I had been blaming her for various things, which led me to have no real feelings for her. I once thought that if I wasn’t practicing Dafa, I wouldn’t want to have much contact with her. I have accumulated grievances toward others that turned into resentment, then led to harshness and, over time became very bad. Because I lacked kindness, my help to my mother turned into preaching, which naturally wasn’t very effective.

My elder sister is very good to my mother. My sister’s kindness is precious because she never expects anything in return. This is exactly what I lack. My kindness toward my mother has been out of a sense of duty and comes with conditions. Because I always believed that some of my mother’s actions were improper, my kindness was not from the heart. I held no genuine kindness toward her. I know I shouldn’t focus on how my mother treated me in the past. Perhaps everything is as it should be, because Master has said that everything happens for a reason and nothing is accidental.

At that moment, an idea came to my mind: how wonderful it would be if I treated my mother with pure kindness! This thought made me feel very comfortable. Then I realized that I should also treat the shortcomings of my Fa study group members with kindness. I should also extend this pure kindness to people in public security, the procuratorate, and judicial system – that is, those who persecute us.

At that moment, I was profoundly shocked and deeply sensed Master’s greatness. I couldn’t help but say, “Master, Master, thank you.” I clearly felt that Master was teaching me to cultivate kindness and to treat everyone with pure kindness. I couldn’t help but weep loudly.

Master was enlightening me to correct myself with pure kindness, from the microcosm, and to reshape myself with this kindness.

Master, I want to do well. I want to make you less worried. Thank you, Master, for redeeming this disciple who is full of guilt. Thank you, Master, for your compassion toward all beings.