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An Amazing Experience of Getting Online

Sept. 2, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner Xiaomin, in China

(Minghui.org) Recently, there have been reports of practitioners having difficulty getting on the Internet. Sometimes, there has been no access for hours or even days, and I am no exception. 

One day, I thought of a fellow practitioner in our area who was good at computer technology, and I wanted to ask her for advice. She told me there was nothing wrong with the computer itself and that I must study the Fa more and believe in Master and the Fa.

After studying the Fa, I started the computer, but I still could not get online. I thought I would not sleep, but just exercise, study the Fa, and try the computer from time to time. I still could not get online by around 5:20 a.m. I was a little frustrated, annoyed, and upset, and since it was not yet time to send forth righteous thoughts, I just wanted to lie down and nap.

After twenty minutes, my body suddenly jerked awake, and a bone-chilling cold enveloped me. I was shivering, trembling, and filled with fear. I knew evil was persecuting me. I was covered with two quilts, but I was still cold—and it was summer! I began silently reciting, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and fell back to sleep.

In my dream, a group of us were ready to go home, but we could not find our way. I told them to follow me. I went to a wooden house from an ancient time. There was a narrow passageway near the corner. I used to go through it to go home. But I could not find the way. Others also searched. We were anxious and worried.

Suddenly, there was a loud “Bang!” and it was immediately bright. We turned around and saw that a huge rock had fallen, and there was a big window where the rock had been. Two people appeared behind the window. One of them pointed at the other and told us, “This is our Director of Education. He pushed this rock down. Someone with ill intentions deliberately put it there. Now it is better.”

When I woke up, I realized Master had eliminated evil in another dimension. I believed that I would be able to get online now. I was soaked with perspiration and no longer felt cold.

I got online, and my Internet connection has run smoothly since then. I no longer have trouble getting online.

The dream also reminded me to have 100% faith in Master and the Fa; don’t just “give it a try” half-heartedly. Our thoughts are important. When we are able to study the Fa well, firmly believe in Master and Fa, and do the three things well, no difficulty can hold us back.