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Experiencing the Power of Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Sept. 2, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’ve been practicing Falun Dafa for 25 years. Along the way, I’ve witnessed so many amazing things and manifestations of the boundless power of Dafa.

Many years ago, I was being followed by a plainclothes policeman while I was passing out Shen Yun CDs. I was arrested and taken into a courtyard with an office. This plainclothes policeman had a fierce look in his eyes. He threatened me, “You won’t be able to escape today.” I remembered what Master said,

“...face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times. No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s demands, orders, or what it instigates.” (“Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II)

I thought, “Why would I run away? If I want to leave, I will leave with dignity.” I looked into the eyes of this plainclothes person and dismantled all the evil beings and factors in other dimensions that were causing him to participate in the persecution of Dafa disciples. The malice in his eyes gradually dissipated. His speech became a little incoherent. He rummaged through my bag and said, “The worst outcome today is that you leave your name and address to ensure that I can find you later.”

I continued to look him in the eyes and smiled, “Why should we want the worst outcome? Let me go now. Let’s both mind our own business.” He was still rummaging through my bag, so I thought: “Don’t touch anything of mine.” As a result, he ignored my personal documents and other things. He only found someone else’s seal in my bag and ran into the office as if he’d found a treasure to check my information. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to leave, but if I walked through the main entrance, I would have to pass through the office. As I walked into the courtyard, I thought, “If only there was a backdoor. If only there was someone I could ask.” I then saw a man come out of nowhere carrying a bucket of water. I hurriedly whispered, “Is there any other door in this courtyard where I can exit?” The man pointed behind him and said, “There is a back door over there to go out.” I didn’t hesitate and left without looking back.

Another time, fellow practitioners and I went to a park to post truth-clarification posters. We were followed and reported by security guards, and then arrested and taken to a police station. At the police station, a policewoman repeatedly asked me where my materials had come from. I remembered Master’s teachings:

“No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil’s demands, orders, or what it instigates.” (“Dafa Disciples’ Righteous Thoughts Are Powerful,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress II

I didn’t answer at all. She said a little anxiously, “Why are you like this. Why don’t you say a word when asked?” I whispered, “My master said:

“I am a person who will not say what he does not want to say”” (Lecture Eight, Zhuan Falun)

The policewoman was stunned for a moment, then turned around and walked away. No one asked me any questions after that.

One day in January 2023, I was reported while persuading people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. I was not aware that I’d been reported, so when the police summoned me, I didn’t know what had caused the sudden incident. It was during the COVID pandemic. The police officers had just been infected with the virus and had not yet recovered. I thought that since I was there, no matter what situation I was facing, I had the responsibility to save them. When they asked me if I had ever asked someone to quit the CCP on a certain day of the month, I told them that I meet a lot of people every day and I can’t remember what I have said to whom. They asked me if I was in contact with so many people every day, did I tell everyone about Falun Gong and ask them to quit the Party? They then asked how many people I had asked to quit the CCP on a certain day.

I said, “Although I practice Falun Dafa, I work and live normally. It’s impossible for me to talk to everyone about these topics. There are two situations: one is that some people feel that I have not aged very much for so many years and my health has always been very good, so they ask me curiously how I maintain my health. For example, many people have been infected with the virus, and I have been in contact with so many patients every day but I haven’t been infected, so people ask me what kind of panacea I have. I tell them: ‘I am so well because I practice Falun Dafa. I do the five sets of exercises every day. I have the guidance of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I face life with sincerity, kindness, and tolerance, and live a relaxed and calm life. I will of course be healthy!’

“There is another situation where I mention Falun Dafa. I am a doctor. I inevitably encounter some critically ill patients during my daily consultations, but my diagnoses and treatment conditions are limited. I can’t take rescue measures in a timely manner like in a big hospital. In this case, I really can’t see death approaching my patients without saving people. I must save people first. So I tell them to recite the phrases ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ If they follow my suggestion, their sicknesses are healed without exception.”

Several policemen listened to me and were silent for a while. One of them asked me, “You’re not infected?” I said, “No, I don’t have those symptoms.” They were again silent for a while, and then another policeman asked me, “Does what you just said about reciting the phrases really work?” I said that it really worked. I gave them a few more examples, from my personal experiences. A policeman asked me what the phrases are. I said, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” He recited them and said, “You are trying to save people. No one can say that it is wrong. But someone reported you, because you asked people to quit the CCP. Please recall what you told people that day.” I said that I didn’t remember. They let me go home that afternoon.

After I got home, I reflected on why I had encountered this incident. I realized that I had been doing the three things steadily under the protection of Master over the years, so I had unwittingly developed a sense of complacency. I felt that I had been doing well in cultivation. Because of the pandemic, my workload had suddenly increased a lot, so I had slacked off in my Fa study and exercises, and had not done well in clarifying the truth. Realizing these issues, I told myself that I should never accept the old forces’ arrangements, and I should never let my cultivation environment be disturbed.

At noon the next day, they illegally summoned me for the second time. I decided to deny all of this with righteous thoughts and follow Master’s teaching to not cooperate with the evil’s demands. Because I didn’t cooperate at all, they behaved aggressively. I told them I would not cooperate with them anymore, because it had interfered with my normal work and life. They drove to my workplace and forcefully arrested me. At the police station, they read a notice of illegal detention to me. I protested their illegal acts.

A man called my name and said, “You cultivate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Do you dare to say that you have never asked anyone to quit the CCP?” I was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question. I looked at the man and asked Master earnestly in my heart, “Master, what should I do? How should I answer?” If I was merely doing personal cultivation, I would not have hesitated to bear all the consequences, but I am a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period. If I said yes and gave them a chance to persecute me, how could they be saved?

A sentence hit my mind at that moment, “There is also compassion in truthfulness!” It dawned on me: “Yes, there is compassion in truthfulness! Today, I will apply compassion in truthfulness and not let the evil take advantage of any loopholes. I will never let sentient beings commit crimes against Dafa. I have Master’s high-level principles as guidance; how can the evil try to trap me with ordinary people’s reasoning?”

I looked into the man’s eyes and said, “No!” He completely lost his arrogance and stammered: “You have to admit it. If you didn’t do it, why did people report you? Aren’t you practicing Falun Gong? Did they wrong you?” I said, “Did you say that someone reported me? You have to have evidence, otherwise you are letting a whistleblower attack me.” He said he wouldn’t let me know who had reported me. I said, “You don’t judge things justly at all. Are you trying to frame me, since you arrested me without evidence? Why did you do this?” He said, “No, no, no, I am just doing my job, there’s nothing personal about it.” I said, “Don’t say that there is nothing personal. Your personal judgment of this matter and your attitude toward Falun Dafa all matter. Can you say that it has nothing to do with you?” His face changed and his head bowed. A few more policemen tried to force me to answer their questions. I adhered to the principle of not cooperating at all. In the end, under the guidance of Dafa, I completely dismantled this evil performance. I walked out of the police station in a dignified manner that afternoon.

During these experiences, I was able to remember Master’s Fa or ask Master for help to stop the police from committing crimes against Dafa and reduce my losses on the path of cultivation. But I didn’t manage to clarify the truth about Dafa in a reasoned and well-founded way, as some fellow practitioners have. I just did what I could based on my abilities and my understanding of the Fa at that time. Dafa manifested its great power. I had the idea of never letting people commit crimes, and the result was that the police really played a positive role. 

My husband doesn’t cultivate. He has always complained about my cultivation, but this time he didn’t cooperate with the evil and actively rescued me from the police station. He called the relevant departments to report their illegal behavior, and this effectively deterred the evil.

The above are some cultivation experiences of mine. I sincerely ask my fellow practitioners to be compassionate and correct me if there are any deficiencies. I hope that we can remind each other, work together, and take the right path of cultivation! Thank you, Master, for your protection all along the way! Thank you, fellow practitioners, for your help!