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Master’s Gift

Sept. 15, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was fortunate to begin cultivation in Falun Dafa when I was a student. Master began taking care of me before I studied Falun Dafa. My family and I benefited greatly from my practice. I am deeply grateful to Master.

Master Watched Over Me Before I Began to Practice Falun Dafa

I had been frail and sickly since I was born. My mother tried all kinds of methods to improve my health, but I was still weak. Because I was often sick, I was familiar with all the major hospitals in the city. Soon after I left home for the first time to attend a county high school, I developed a heart problem. The doctor asked my mother to take me home and get me hospitalized as soon as possible.

My mother took me to a clinic closer to our home after I was discharged from the hospital. They gave me IVs to sustain me when my mother went to work. A few minutes after my mother left, I felt my heart beating faster and faster, and the pain became more and more intense. It became difficult to breathe and I developed cramps in my stomach. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sit still, and my whole body felt like it was drowning.

I called for the nurse as loud as I could. The nurse was so frightened that she immediately called the doctor. The doctor came and was at a loss. I used the only strength I could muster to ask them to help me pull out the IV needle. Perhaps frightened by my condition, no one dared to approach me. I felt as if I was going to die, so I used my last bit of strength to pull the needle out myself.

After the needle was out, I could instantly breathe again. Later I learned that the nutrient solution had a 0.1% chance of allergic reaction, and I was in that 0.1%.

I started practicing Falun Dafa a year later. My mother told me that I had miraculously survived several medical incidents since I was a child. It must be that I was waiting for Master and Dafa. Master had been watching over me for a long time.

Master Gave Me a New Life

My mother took me out of school to better take care of me, and later transferred me to the city high school. Because of my heart problem, the doctor gave me a certificate so that I did not have to participate in physical education classes. I could only stand in the classroom on the fourth floor and watch my classmates running in the field when there were classes. I felt sad.

My mother began to practice Falun Dafa in the summer break. I read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa and found it to be very good. I very much supported my mother’s practice. Perhaps my time had not arrived, as I didn’t start practicing until the next summer. As soon as I started to cultivate, Master adjusted my body. Having been frail and sickly, I felt the joy of health for the first time. I took physical education classes when school opened again.

We had to run 800 meters in class once. My heartbeat was very fast afterwards, but I was not worried and thought it was normal. I returned to the classroom to rest and felt that my heartbeat got faster and faster rather than slowing down. I began to have difficulty breathing and it felt as if I was suffocating. I didn’t want my classmates to notice anything unusual, so I hurriedly lay my head down on the table and buried it under my arms.

I tried to calm down, but my heartbeat was still very fast and my breathing became increasingly difficult. I couldn’t hear clearly when a classmate talked to me. It felt like her voice was far away. Then the voices of other classmates around me also became farther and farther away.

I found that my consciousness began to weaken and the feeling of death got stronger and stronger. I used the little consciousness I had to say to myself: “Even if I am about to die, I will never say it was because I practiced Falun Dafa.” After I had this thought, something magical happened. I was suddenly able to breathe normally, my racing heart quickly calmed down, and I came back to life! “Master saved me!” I excitedly burst into tears.

The class bell rang. I went to my next class as usual. In the eyes of others, it was only ten minutes between classes. However, I had experienced the test of life and death in that short time.

Master Gave Me a New “Mother”

My mother is a person who always wants to be best. She was in good health when she was young. I had always been sick since I was born, and I was much weaker than ordinary children. My father was working away from home at the time, so my mother had to spend more time and energy taking care of me, on top of her busy work schedule. The long-term fatigue worsened her health, and her temper and personality became bad too.

Mother tried various methods, including practicing qigong, to improve her health. Every time she did those messy qigong exercises, my father and I were so scared that we hid in the bedroom. Even so, not only did mother’s health not improve, but her mental state worsened. The hospital could not find the cause of her problem, and her temper became increasingly violent.

After mother’s health deteriorated, she would often scold me for trivial things. I remember when I was in the second or third grade of elementary school, she got angry because I didn’t tidy up my desk within the time she set. She threw all the things on my desk out of the second floor window. I went downstairs crying, picked them up one by one and took them to our apartment. Later, she beat me for failing to get into the middle school that she wanted.

Although I am an only child, my mother has never spoiled me. She has been strict with me since I was a child. The only times I got rewards were when I got excellent grades in school. But gradually, I found that as long as I got sick mother would be very gentle and fulfill the requests that I usually dared not mention. As a result, I don’t know since when, I started to develop an unhealthy mentality of wishing to be sick. I felt happy even though my body was suffering from the illness.

My mother started practicing Falun Dafa during the summer vacation when I was sick and had to leave school. I clearly remember that she came home singing that day. I heard her singing on the stairs while I was in the living room. I was very surprised.

I asked her, “What made you so happy?” She said, “I feel very relaxed. It is as if I were floating. I have never felt so comfortable.” She told me that she was going to practice Falun Dafa. Her friend had introduced the practice to her that day. I became nervous instantly, recalling previous bad memories. I asked her for the book to read. My thought at the time was that I would fight it to death if there was any bad content.

When I opened Zhuan Falunand saw Master’s photo, a familiar feeling came over me. I said to my mother, “I seem to have seen the author in the photo somewhere before, but I can’t remember where.” My mother told me that this is Master. Then I started to read Zhuan Falun.

I realized that it was completely different from my mother's previous books after reading a few pages. This book teaches people to be good and cultivate kindness. Without thinking much, I said to my mother, “This book is very good and one can cultivate with it.” Mother wanted me to practice with her, but I declined, thinking that it would be good enough if only she practiced.

It was as if my mother had been reborn after she practiced Falun Dafa. First, her health got better. She began to voluntarily take on more housework. In the past, most of the work was done by my father since mother’s health was not good.

She also became cheerful. She used to be stern and cold. After practicing Dafa, her speaking style changed. She used to speak to me and father in a commanding tone. Now, She would discuss things with us, and would often say, “Oh, okay.” Sometimes I deliberately imitated her. She was not angry and always smiled.

I didn’t dare to lose my temper before, because when I did, Mom’s temper was worse than mine, and she would even hit me. After she started practicing Falun Dafa, whenever I lost my temper, she would calmly and patiently communicate with me and enlighten me, making me feel warmth and happiness, something I had never experienced before.

I thought: “Is this my mother? It’s unbelievable. This practice is so good that it gave me a new ‘mother.’” Looking back now, it still feels so magical. I later understood that it was Master and Dafa that changed her. Thank you so much, Master.

Our family was ready to have breakfast one morning in 2021, but we found that grandmother had not come out of her bedroom. We thought she was still resting. Mother went to her room to look for her. Suddenly we heard mother call for help. We ran to grandmother’s room and saw her lying motionless on the bed. Her legs were drooped beside the bed, her face was pale, and she was incontinent, wetting the quilt and mattress.

My father hugged my grandmother and asked, “What’s wrong?” Mother said, “Hurry up and recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’” We all recited it loudly over and over again. I kept asking Master for help. My father put his hand under grandmother’s nose and found that she was no longer breathing.

My father became nervous and wanted to notify his brothers, and he went to get his mobile phone. Mother and I did not panic and continued to call grandmother. We believed in Master and knew grandmother would recover, since she knew the truth about Dafa and often recited “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Just when my father went to the living room to make a phone call, a miracle happened. Grandmother let out a “woo” and took a long breath. Her pale face gradually turned red, her eyes opened, and her breathing began to recover slowly. She came back to life. It was compassionate Master who saved her and let our whole family witness the miracle of Falun Dafa. The ambulance came and took grandmother to the hospital. It turned out that she had suffered a cerebral infarction.

Grandmother couldn’t speak and couldn’t move half of her body when she woke up. While in the hospital, she insisted on reciting “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in her heart. On the third day, she was able to speak and move her body and legs. The doctors said, “It is very rare for a 90-year-old person to recover so quickly.” Grandmother was discharged within two weeks.

I can speak of many more touching and miraculous experiences. The above are not enough to show Master’s compassion for me and my family. I cannot express enough, my gratitude to Master! I just want to thank Master again for his compassion and greatness.