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Boston, Massachusetts: People Inspired by the Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren Exhibition

Sept. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held a six day Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) International Exhibition at Boston Commons, a park in downtown Boston. The exhibition ended on August 24, 2024 and left a memorable impression on locals and tourists who praised the artworks for their aesthetics and profound meaning. Many people said the paintings inspired them and they praised practitioners’ perseverance in upholding their faith.

Those who visited the art exhibition were from around the world: France, the U.K., Germany, Brazil, Spain, Australia, India, Eastern European countries, and the Middle East. They also come from different states in the U.S.: New York, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, California, Washington, Iowa, Montana, Arkansas, as well as local residents.

Practitioners hosted a six-day Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren International Exhibition on the Boston Commons.

It was first time that some had heard about Falun Dafa and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of practitioners. They were shocked to learn that the CCP harvests vital organs from imprisoned practitioners. Some people said they knew China oppressed people and is a dictatorship, but it was hard for them to imagine such a brutal persecution was happening.

They also expressed the importance of having more people learn about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution. They felt it’s important to spread the truth and encouraged practitioners to persist.

Many people signed the petition to urge the U.S. Senate to pass the Falun Gong Protection Act and said they would tell their friends and family about Falun Dafa. People thanked practitioners for hosting the art exhibition and said they also hope the CCP’s persecution ends soon.

“The power of faith”

A woman stood in front of the painting A Tragedy in China for a long time and said she was deeply moved. A practitioner explained, “This painting uses the striking contrast of black and white. The red cloth covering the man’s eyes shows that the CCP is responsible for his death. A torn up document which the man refused to sign is in his hands. It was a pledge that the CCP tried to force him to sign to defame Falun Dafa. The document and the shackles on the man’s ankles point to the true reason behind the man’s death. The man would rather sacrifice his life than give up his faith.

“The tears of the weeping woman represents her grief over the loss of her husband. However, her eyes and clenched fists also showed her determination and steadfast belief. Her grief and sorrow gives her more courage because she firmly believes in Falun Dafa. Although the room is filled with darkness, a ray of light illuminates the couple, offering hope.”

The woman said, “Even though the story is a tragedy, I sense the great power of faith in the woman’s eyes.” She asked for a website where she could purchase a copy of the painting.

Two women listen as a practitioner explains the details of the painting.

Several Spanish speaking women passed the art exhibition. Although they did not speak English well, they were moved by the artworks. One woman asked for an informational website to the art pieces and said she wanted to read about them online.

Another woman admired the peaceful resistance of Falun Dafa practitioners. She also believed that practitioners will see justice prevail. She was shocked and had tears in her eyes when practitioners told her about the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting. She could not believe a tragedy like this was happening and said it shook her. She said that she was a Christian and said, “I will pray for you.”

Suya from Malden, Massachusetts, said, “These art pieces are very touching. Words cannot describe how I feel. I am able to empathize with Falun Dafa practitioners’ grief and the power of faith.”

“The truth is in these art works”

“These art works are beautiful and filled with rich meaning.” said Jasmine, who lives in Boston.

Yolanis was moved after seeing the artworks and said, “Every piece is portrayed beautifully and is filled with divinity. They tell of stories that touch my heart. I know the truth is in these art works.”

After two university students viewed each painting they signed the petition to support the Falun Gong Protection Act.

“The paintings reveal a rich cultural heritage and express deep emotions,” said Timos.

A tourist said that he came to the park to relax and was glad to see the art exhibition and talk with practitioners who explained the paintings. He was deeply touched.

“You are doing an admirable thing”

Ms. Vanessa from Australia, said that she felt fortunate to encounter the art exhibition and learn about the persecution of Falun Dafa.

“The world needs Falun Dafa practitioners to tell us information like this. We need to have a peaceful state of mind and thoughts like practitioners too,” said Sam.

A man was interested in a painting which showed a practitioner meditating and said he wanted to learn the exercises and read Falun Dafa’s teachings. He thanked practitioners for telling him such important information.

An elderly couple from California carefully looked at each artwork and said they were pleased to learn about Falun Dafa through the paintings. They supported the Falun Gong Protection Act and hoped to help practitioners end the persecution and forced live organ harvesting. The man wrote down the information about Falun Dafa and said he would sign the petition when he returned to California.

A woman signed the petition to support the Falun Gong Protection Act.

A local woman said she supported the Falun Gong Protection Act and signed the petition. She said her conscience told her to sign because the CCP’s crimes must be stopped.

A tourist told practitioners, “I hope you accomplish what you wish for. You are doing admirable things. Terrible things are happening in this world. Thank you for sharing this information about Falun Dafa and the persecution. People need to know Falun Dafa’s story.”