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Writing a Cultivation Article Is Not Hard Once We Let Go of Our Notions

Sept. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Submissions for the 21st China Fahui will close on September 30, 2024, but practitioners in our local area still have not acted on it. When I reminded them to start writing, they gave me all kinds of excuses, such as: “I haven’t cultivated well,” “I don’t know how to write,” or “I have noting to share.”

In fact, most practitioners in our area have cultivated quite well, and have diligently pushed forward during the 25 years the persecution has gone on. They also do the three things required of Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples. Some are also quite good at writing, and when they were in school, their teachers used their essays as examples for others to learn from. However, they now seem to be blocked by their notions. It could also be that I haven’t been kind enough to be able to persuade them to write.

When I was a child, the adults often said that reading and attending school were useless, so I was never interested in school work or reading. Even though I had an education up to junior middle school, my Chinese language skills are only at the level of a 2nd or 3rd grade elementary school. I couldn’t recognize many characters and had difficulty with sentence structures, let alone writing articles.

After I started practicing Falun Dafa, I read the Dafa books very attentively. I began to browse Minghui.org in 2006 and enjoyed reading every sharing article. I really admired fellow practitioners for their good enlightenment and writing skills, and I hoped that one day I could also submit an article to Minghui.org.

Over the past ten odd years, I submitted articles to Minghui.org from time to time. Some were published and others were not. However, when it came to submitting articles to the China Fahui, I had similar notions as other practitioners—I felt it had little to do with me.

I had the same attitude during the call for submissions for the China Fahui last year. However, one day, I was so deeply inspired while reading an article on Minghui Weeklythat I changed my mind. I realized that it is something very sacred and a great honor to participate in the China Fahui. I wanted to be part of it. With this pure thought, things that I should write about kept coming to mind. In the next week, I drafted an article, and repeatedly edited it. I also asked a fellow practitioner who is good at writing to help edit my draft. It was a wonderful experience, which helped me dig out my human notions and attachments, and I also cultivated patience and compassion. I now feel that writing sharing articles is also a cultivation process for us to rectify ourselves. The process is far more important than the end product.

Master said,

“Only when you find ways to do things well as you validate the Fa and meet with challenges, and when your success comes from your own efforts—only that is extraordinary.” (“Fa Teaching Given at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Practitioners,” Collected Teachings Given Around the World, Volume VI)

Every word Master said is true. We only need to cultivate our hearts and minds, truly change our human notions and let go of our fear of difficulties, and then Master will help us all the way.

Lastly, I would like to tell fellow practitioners in China: It’s not hard to write a submission article once we let go of our notions. Let’s take action now because we don’t know how many more precious opportunities we will have to do this!