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Blessings from Master Li and Falun Dafa

Sept. 13, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My husband passed away from liver cancer in 1994, leaving me and our nine-year-old son behind. My son was later diagnosed with myasthenia gravis, a neuromuscular disease. He had symptoms such as drooping of his eyelids and atrophy of muscles in his right hand, which made handwriting very difficult. He also limped as he walked. His teacher didn’t want him to be in her class. She said that he had impaired intellectual development which would affect her bonus at the end of each year, as this was based on student success. Once, the teacher even threw my son and his schoolbag out of the classroom. 

Life was very hard for us at that time. I had to do odd jobs to make ends meet while taking care of my young son. Besides, my health wasn’t that good either. Some people suggested that I go to live in a temple, where my son and I could at least be fed. 

In 1998, I went to a Falun Dafa conference at the advice of a friend. That was before 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party started the persecution of this spiritual practice. During the conference, while practitioners were doing the exercises together outside, it started to rain, but no one ran for shelter. Suddenly, I saw a huge colorful Falun (law wheel) appearing in the sky, and strings of small Falun falling on practitioners. My heart was filled with indescribable happiness throughout the day. 

Since then, great changes have taken place in my life. My son recovered from his illness, and I also regained good health and became much more capable in dealing with issues of daily life. Someone helped me get a job, and my son also landed a job with no problem. I knew in my heart that it was Master Li Hongzhi, the founder and teacher of Falun Dafa, who kindly made all this possible. 

Now, both my son and I continue to be in good health and we are able to make a living through our own efforts. We feel very happy and are deeply grateful to Master for the blessings Dafa has brought us. We’ve had quite a few miraculous incidents since I took up the practice of Falun Dafa, and I would like to share some of them with you here.

On one occasion I was walking to join a Fa conference being held near my home. My son accompanied me riding a small bicycle. Suddenly, a rider on a much larger bicycle ran into my son and knocked him down. 

I told the man that my son was fine, and my son also said he was okay. But passersby said it wasn't right to just let the man go, and that we should ask him for compensation. I told them we would be fine and encouraged the man to go on his way. True enough, my son turned out to be just fine, with no injuries from the accident. 

Around 9 p.m. one night, it was pouring rain. I was walking down the street with my umbrella when a taxi suddenly rushed towards me. I was thrown to the ground and couldn't move my legs. The taxi driver quickly came to help and kept rubbing my knees and legs, and asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine, remembering that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner and should be considerate of others.

Once again, Master protected me from serious injuries, and I was able to walk home. When I got home, both of my knees were swollen and dark purple, but I felt no pain. A couple of days later, both knees were back to normal. 

On another occasion, I was cycling to my part-time job when a man on an electric bicycle with a passenger on the back, knocked me over. My bicycle was damaged and one of the tires went flat. I told them that I was okay and they could leave. Later, I spent 20 yuan to have the damaged wheel replaced. 

While bicycling one rainy day, a man on an electric bike ran into me and dragged me and my bicycle nearly three meters before he sped up and drove away. As I got up from the ground, I noticed a large bleeding wound on my ankle that was covered with gravel from the road. I felt some pain as I washed the wound with rainwater. I continued with my work and household chores as usual, and two days later, my wound miraculously healed. I knew that Master had assisted me yet again, otherwise consequences from the injury could have been disastrous. 

No words are sufficient to express my deep gratitude to Master Li. I will do the three things Falun Dafa practitioners are asked to do even better and be worthy of Master’s compassionate salvation.