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Beijing Woman Secretly Arrested and Sentenced for Practicing Falun Gong

Sept. 11, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) It’s recently confirmed by Minghui.org that a 64-year-old Beijing resident who lost contact with her family in November 2023 has been admitted to prison to serve a 1.5-year term for practicing Falun Gong. Other details about Ms. Chen Shuping’s case aren’t clear. 

Ms. Chen used to work at an insurance company. After surgery to remove her uterus in 2005, she struggled with a weak immune system, high blood pressure, dizziness and weakness in her limbs. She tried various medications but didn’t have much improvement. Recommended by a coworker, she began to practice Falun Gong in September 2006 and soon became healthy. 

After the local police found out about her practicing Falun Gong, they harassed and monitored her regularly, especially during major holidays or anniversaries related to Falun Gong. 

Below is her persecution documented in 2008.

At around 10 p.m. on May 7, 2008, officers Yang Yubo and Yang Chuntao of the Tongzhou Police Station, and two officers from the Ciqu Police Station, raided Ms. Chen’s home and took her to the Ciqu Police Station. She was transferred to the Qiaozhuang Detention Center the next day to serve a four-day detention.

Ms. Chen was arrested again in July 2008 and detained at the Qiaozhuang Detention Center. The police interrogated her during her detention. 

Officers Liu Yongqing, Zhou Hongjun, and Yan of the Tongzhou Police Station broke into Ms. Chen’s home at 11 a.m. on September 2, 2008, and took her to the Qiaozhuang Detention Center. She was given two years of forced labor the next day. The police first took her to the Daxing Dispatching Center and then transferred her to the Beijing Women’s Forced Labor Camp. 

In the labor camp, she was forced to stand or sit on a small stool motionless for long hours, deprived of sleep, and made to read articles slandering Falun Gong. Since October 2008, the guards began to force her to do unpaid labor, including making cotton swabs and paper boxes, packaging teas, mung beans, and toys, and growing corn and peanuts. Her health declined quickly due to the physical and mental torment.