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My Mother’s Eyesight Was Restored While Listening to Master’s Lectures

Sept. 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I was born in a remote mountain village. When the county employment bureau recruited workers for a large company in Beijing in 1994, I was hired, and moved to Beijing. I later realized that Master had arranged for me to come to Beijing to obtain the Fa.

I was interested in martial arts and qigong since I was a child and always thought of visiting temples. My job in Beijing was easy, and I needed to work only one week a month. I spent most of my time practicing martial arts and various qigong practices at the Temple of Heaven. I also bought many qigong books.

After I practiced martial arts at the Temple of Heaven, I went to Longtan Lake Park one day in 1996. I noticed many people sitting there meditating. The scene was so peaceful that I was immediately attracted to it. After reading a brief introduction to Falun Dafa, I sat down with the group to meditate. An assistant there helped correct my movements. I subsequently bought a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa.

I finished reading the book in one sitting, crying as I read. I was so moved that I read aloud from time to time so that my dorm-mates could hear me. This was what I had been looking for, and I had finally found it! From then on, I stopped practicing other qigongs and martial arts, and I firmly embarked on the path of Dafa cultivation.

Not long after, I went back to my hometown to visit my family. I learned that my mother, who was in poor health, had become ill again, and she could no longer see. She had been to the local county hospital, but her condition did not improve. She was about to try a type of qigong, which charged 40 yuan per person, so I said, “Mother, I just learned a very good qigong method. Its teachings are free. You may invite more people in the village. Anyone who wants to come can learn it.”

Many villagers turned up. I played audio recordings of Master's lectures for them, one lecture per day. I also taught them one exercise each day.

While listening to Master’s lectures, my mother’s eyesight was miraculously restored. She was so happy! Several days later, her hypertension and cholecystitis disappeared.

While we were studying the Fa and doing the exercises, several practitioners’ Celestial Eyes opened. One practitioner saw a large blinking eye between his eyebrows, and two practitioners saw scenes in other dimensions with their eyes closed. Within a few days, everyone experienced various levels of changes in their bodies. More and more people joined us, and some people came from villages more than ten miles away. Dafa illuminated our remote mountain village.

After hearing my mother’s story, two of my aunts who worked in a town in the county came to visit us. They started to practice Falun Dafa right away. One aunt immediately felt a Falun rotating. Meanwhile, my father quit smoking and started the practice as well.

After I returned to Beijing, I told an aunt of mine there what had happened to our family in our hometown. She and her daughter started to practice Falun Dafa without hesitation. Soon, two of my uncles also started to cultivate. When my 90-year-old grandmother followed us to practice Dafa, a layer of black hair grew out at the roots of her gray hair!

My wife, children, and my older sister later started practicing Dafa as well. Our whole family bathed in the preciousness of Falun Dafa.

Master Protects Me

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution of Falun Dafa in July 1999, two practitioners in the town were arrested and taken to a brainwashing center. One of them gave my name to the authorities under pressure, because I was in charge of maintaining the equipment to print truth-clarification materials. At that time I had already moved to another town in the county and taken over a shop. When the police came to the shop looking for me, I just transferred the shop to someone else, and the police did not find me. They also went to my children’s school and asked for me, but the school officials did not cooperate with the police. In the end, the police did not find me. Master arranged everything to protect me!

Not long after this incident, my father was hospitalized due to having a stroke. The township police, Domestic Security, as well as the municipal police went to the hospital looking for me. I noticed that there were many police in the building, but did not know why they were there. They checked the names of all patients but did not find my father, because when my relatives took him to the hospital, for some reason the registration recorded the name of my uncle. The police then called a relative of mine, who did not cooperate with the police. My relatives quickly escorted me out of the hospital. I realized that it was not accidental that my father’s name was not used for the registration. It was Master’s protection.

Another close call was when Domestic Security once discovered that someone in my area was visiting the Minghui website. They began to check each house in the area, but when they approached mine, the signal was cut. They searched for a long time but could not determine the location.

I learned of this incident from a fellow practitioner who heard it from a police officer. The practitioner did not tell me right away because he was worried that I might be scared. I knew that Master had put a shield around me and protected me again!

Master has protected me from danger again and again. No words can express my gratitude to Master!