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My Thoughts After Reading “Call for Articles for the 21st China Fahui on Minghui.org”

Sept. 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner came to my house the day after the Minghui website published, “Call for Articles for the 21st China Fahui on Minghui.org.” He asked if I saw the notice and whether I was going to submit an article.

I replied, “I saw the notice but I haven’t done anything. I don’t know what to write since I haven’t cultivated well.” I realized what I said was wrong and said, “Let’s read the notice again.”

My mindset changed when we read: “Article submissions should have clear points ... practitioners can choose one or a few of their most impactful, touching experiences to write about.”

I said, “I have a sense of direction now!” The practitioner gave me a puzzled look.

I explained, “We’re getting older and have practiced for many years. We’ve had many unforgettable and touching cultivation experiences. Do you really think it’s so difficult to write about our amazing stories to validate Dafa or the lessons we’ve learned from our stumbles in cultivation and share them with practitioners?”

He nodded and said, “It’s not difficult! It’s not difficult at all!”

We both felt more confident and wrote about our experiences. I finished mine in one week. I was moved to tears when I wrote about the touching parts. I felt purified and noticed my xinxing improved during the process. I also gained a deeper understanding of Master’s compassionate teachings.

Writing the article strengthened my determination to be diligent and cultivate as if I was just starting. I felt brightened and full of energy after I finished the article!

I realized the China Fahui is a gift for practitioners in China! The conference needs practitioners to participate and harmonize as one body, so how can we not treasure the opportunity?