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Liaoning Man Arrested Again One Year After Serving a Prison Term for His Faith

Sept. 1, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Only one year after Mr. Miao Jianguo finished serving a 1.5-year term for practicing Falun Gong, the 60-year-old Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province resident, was arrested again on August 21, 2024.

Officers from the Taihe District Domestic Security Division and its subordinate Daxue Street Police Station arrested Mr. Miao at home and took him to the Jinzhou City Detention Center. It’s not clear whether the police plan to submit his case to the local procuratorate.

Mr. Miao previously worked as an electrician for the Jinzhou Railroad Bureau. He has been repeatedly arrested for upholding his faith sincew the Chinese communist regime ordered the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, and spent over a decade behind bars.

Following his arrest in October 2001, his then eight-month-pregnant wife was terrified and suffered placental abruption, resulting in the unborn child’s death. She has not been able to carry a baby since.

Mr. Miao was given three years of forced labor following his arrest on July 23, 2002. He was briefly released on bail, but was later taken back into custody and had his term extended. He wasn’t released until February 15, 2007. He was arrested again on February 25, 2008 and later sentenced to four years in prison. While he was serving his term, his mother passed away without seeing him one last time. His father suffered mental instability and died in a car accident three years later.

Mr. Miao was arrested another time on February 21, 2022, and sentenced to 1.5 years around October 2022. He was released on August 20, 2023, only to be arrested again a year later.

For details of Mr. Miao’s past persecution, refer to the related reports below.

Related Reports:

Former Electrician Imprisoned for His Faith and Denied Family Visits

Having Served Nine Years, Liaoning Man Sentenced Again for Practicing Falun Gong

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