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My Tribulation When I Didn’t Handle Money Correctly

Aug. 6, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My husband and I took our grandson to visit an out-of-town relative in 2017. A police officer arrested me at the train station. When the police chief interrogated me, I looked into his eyes and sent righteous thoughts. Because I did not answer any of his questions, he tried to handcuff me to an iron chair. Somehow, he failed to put me, a 55-kg (121-lb) elderly woman, onto the chair even after he struggled to do so.

The police didn’t provide me with any meals. I wasn’t hungry and I continued to send righteous thoughts. I was transferred to my local police station the next day, but I still refused to answer any questions. The police took me to a hospital for a health checkup, which is standard practice before putting someone in a detention center. The doctor couldn’t get any readings because I wouldn’t stay still. The police chief curtly said that I was healthy and sent me to a detention center anyway. A week later, my husband came to bail me out. I was released and told to report to the police every month.

I never did report to the police station. The police frequently called my husband and me. They even came to our house to have me sign the guarantee statements, and said that once I signed the statements, they’d leave me alone. I refused to sign anything and clarified the truth to the officers every time they came.

Seeing that nothing they did made me renounce Falun Dafa, the authorities ordered another officer to deal with my case. The officer and several others came to my home. Instead of talking to me, he questioned my husband, “Do you know that your wife prints out Falun Gong materials? What does she do with the computer, printer, and the printouts with Falun Gong information?” My husband said that he knew nothing about what I did, “I only know that before she practiced Falun Dafa, she was always sick, and I couldn’t get her medicines fast enough. She no longer needed any medicine after she became a practitioner.” The officer kept pressuring him and tried to get incriminating information from my husband, but he gave him nothing.

Towards the end of the interrogation, the officer printed out a summary of the conversations and wanted my husband to sign the document. My husband didn’t think about the implications and was about to sign, but I stopped him. I read the document, and it stated that my husband admitted that I owned a computer and a printer and used them to print Falun Dafa materials at home. Outraged, I tore up the document and raised my voice: “How dare you forge the conversation to incriminate us in front of the police chief and others!? My husband never said the things you wrote here. Didn’t you record the conversation? Play it now. The taxpayers pay your salary, and this is how you protect and serve them? I will write a complaint and expose how you knowingly violate the laws.” The officers said nothing and left—they never came back.

After the incident, I discussed the situation with other practitioners and looked within. I noticed that something had gone wrong with my cultivation. I adored my grandson and wanted to spoil him. Because my son was injured and couldn’t play with the child, I often took my grandson on trips. The old forces exploited my weakness, and had the police arrest me while I was traveling.

The persecution did not stop after I looked within. The police continued to harass me at home. One night, I dreamed that Master told me I would suffer a tribulation related to money issues. After I mentioned the dream to a practitioner, she asked if I used and stored the funds for Dafa work safely. I told her that I didn’t think it was safe to keep the money at home and asked a neighbor to keep it for me. My neighbor deposited it in her bank account. The practitioner said that, although it was only temporary, the money still went to my neighbor, and generated interest for her. She didn’t think I handled the money properly and said I may have also put my neighbor in a bad situation.

I quickly contacted the neighbor and explained my concerns to her. She has always been supportive of Falun Dafa and understood. She returned the money and the interest it earned, to me.

One night, I had a dream in which the police tried to force me to sign a guarantee statement renouncing my faith. I stood my ground and remained unwavering, no matter how vicious the officer acted. The police stopped bothering me soon after I had that dream.