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Falun Dafa Benefitted Everyone Around Me

Aug. 4, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) As a doctor, my colleagues and I prepare for our year-end reviews by writing, “I address the patient’s concerns, and think about what the patient wants.” However, it was only after I started practicing Falun Dafa that I could truly fulfill this. By holding onto Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, I could truly think about others, and from their perspective, in everything I did. It wasn’t just lip service. 

For the past 20-plus years, I always tried to have patients spend the least amount of money to resolve the issues that most needed to be addressed. I was often stopped by patients’ family members on the stairs or in the office, wanting to give me money or gift cards. But after I started practicing Falun Dafa, I did not accept extra money from patients. I didn’t prescribe commission-based drugs either. When family members left me gifts that I didn’t get a chance to decline, I’d write a blessing message on a red envelope, place the money inside, and give it to the patient when he or she was discharged from the hospital. This is why so many patients have come to me for treatment.

1. Validating Dafa at Work

Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched its persecution of Falun Dafa, there have been three different CEOs at the hospital where I worked. When the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the CEO followed the policy from the top to persecute practitioners by suspending them without pay or by other means. I was assigned to a rural hospital for three months in 2001. At that time, there were hardly any patients there. A nurse in that hospital went into labor and required a C-section. I used what was available to me, lit an alcohol lamp, and operated on her. It went well. 

Over time, the number of patients coming to the rural hospital increased, and we performed more surgeries. The CEO of the rural hospital was happy about my performance and had the accounting department give me 100 yuan as a commission for every surgery I performed. At that time, my former workplace still hadn’t paid me what they had withheld from my regular salary. But I declined the offer and explained that I practice Falun Dafa by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and I didn’t want their compensation. My back pay was supposed to come from my former hospital. 

There were two hospitals in this rural area, and, regardless of the time of day or night, whenever something was going on in either of these hospitals, the CEO would personally drive me there to handle it. I always accommodated their requests. The staff remarked that what was reported on TV about Falun Dafa practitioners was so dreadful, but [contrary to their expectations] I actually turned out to be so good. 

When the three-month term ended, the CEO of the rural hospital asked my original hospital leaders to have me stay there and help them. That CEO also asked me to consider staying. Unfortunately, the hospital leaders higher up collaborated with the 610 Office to have me arrested and taken to a brainwashing center, where I was illegally detained for two years. 

After I was released from the brainwashing center, the CEO of my original hospital assigned me to the rural hospital again. By this time, the rural hospital had become affiliated with our hospital. They invited me to perform surgeries, and the hospital staff all respected me very much. The CEO said to me, “I didn’t expect that you would be such a great person. If you were to give up practicing Falun Dafa, I’d have promoted you.” I said it was Dafa that transformed me into “such a great person.” 

A new CEO then came on board. Shortly afterwards, I clarified the truth to a director’s mother, and had her recite the phrases, “Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!” This director then complained about me to the new CEO. At that time, the new CEO didn’t know who I was, so he decided to send me back to the rural hospital. 

At that time, a private hospital in the city offered me a position with a high salary, and I accepted. When a vice president learned about this, he went to the CEO and said in tears, “Whether it’s due to her ability to work or her character, it’s difficult to find such a doctor, but you made her leave.” The CEO asked the vice president to call me and ask me to go back, promising me the position of Deputy Director of Obstetrics. I then went back. The administration was later influenced by the 610 Office, which said my belief was a political issue, and I wasn’t qualified to be a leader. So they ended up not promoting me. 

Our hospital took over the local Maternity Hospital in 2010. They appointed a young deputy director to be the director of gynecology and had me assist her. However, I wasn’t given a new title or compensation. I worked diligently, was not afraid of strenuous work, nor was I afraid of taking on additional risk. Because the director was young and lacked experience, I was called in for emergency care, regardless of the time of day. After the CEO was informed about how things were going, he had the young doctor transferred back and had me assist the vice president of the Maternity Hospital.

The Maternity Hospital later came under the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in our main hospital. I was then promoted to director, which I believe was Master Li’s benevolent arrangement. After being in this post for five years, I still arrived to work early and went home late, working overtime every day. I dealt with the department’s most difficult cases, as well as acute care and treatment of serious illnesses. I also communicated with patients’ families to resolve disputes and tried not to refer their complaints to the CEO. I bore all the responsibilities of the department. 

In a dispute that involved a fine, I paid a big portion of it, so as to reduce the economic and psychological burden of the staff. The hospital management greatly recognized my work. The county leaders also sought me out for maternity care.

In 2014, there was a 28-year-old woman in labor with hemorrhagic shock. I stayed with her in the intensive care unit for three days and performed surgery twice and managed to save her life. The CEO praised me in a meeting of all mid-level managers. At the meeting of the newly appointed department heads, he also praised me for my courage and commitment and told the managers to learn from me.

Our third CEO was the former vice president. He had always been very impressed with my character and professionalism. Even after I retired as a director, he still consulted with me on matters related to the development of the department. In particular, he said at the CEO’s office meeting that no one could compare to me in terms of the quality of my care and bedside manner.

The director of a major department once said to me, “Two administrators asked me to learn from you. How do you do it? No department director in the whole hospital, regardless of age, can do what you do!”

It was Falun Dafa that transformed me into a healthy person, both physically and mentally, and gave me strong moral character. 

The new vice president was in charge of Falun Dafa issues at the hospital and had a conversation with me about my steadfast faith. I told him, “For over two decades, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance has been rooted in me. I have treated everyone around me and everything that’s happened to me according to these principles.” 

He replied, “You should maintain this state!” Afterward, whenever any unlawful personnel from the 610 Office came to the workplace demanding to harass Falun Gong practitioners, the management tried to stop them from seeing us. 

2. The People Around Me Were Also Blessed by Dafa

During the 20 years that I’ve cultivated Dafa, more and more people have learned the truth about the persecution. Quite a number of them also received blessings to various degrees. 

2.1 A Relative’s Malignant Lymphoma Was Healed by Reciting the Two Phrases

My husband’s uncle had abdominal pain and bloating. He was diagnosed with a three-inch tumor in his abdomen. Another uncle found me and asked me to find a good doctor in our hospital to perform the surgery. I helped find the director of hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal surgery. Through a bone marrow biopsy, he was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma before the operation. Thus, he could no longer undergo surgery; his only option was chemotherapy.

When I accompanied the uncle for more tests, I clarified the truth about Dafa to him. I also told him to sincerely recite the phrases, “Falun Dafa is wonderful! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is wonderful!” to get well. He said, “I believe you. I’ll recite them. I’ll recite them!” He began reciting them every day. 

Gradually, he stopped having a fever, belly pain, and bloating. He told the doctor that he felt well and asked to be discharged from the hospital. The doctor told him to rest for one week before returning for chemotherapy. Since then, he has been home for a year and half and never returned for chemotherapy. When I called to ask if he still recited the phrases. He replied, “Yes I do. I do that every single day. I’m doing so well that I can even work in the field!” 

It was Falun Dafa that saved his life!

2.2. My Father: “I want to kowtow to Master”

Even though my father never practiced Falun Dafa, he truly believed in it and often listened to Master’s recorded lectures. Moreover, he recited the two phrases. Because of this, he survived several serious falls. 

My father was 97 years old in the winter of 2022. Every one of us had a fever then, including him. He said he felt like he was going to die. He desperately called my sister to save him. My sister said, “I can’t. Did you forget? Only Dafa’s Master can save you. Let’s recite the two phrases.” While doing so, he fell asleep. The next day, his fever was gone. 

When my father was 98 years old, Master published the article “How Humankind Came To Be.” I brought it for him and other family members to read. He was lying in bed and seemed muddle-headed. During the process of my reading the article aloud, I asked him multiple times if he understood it. He said yes. After I finished, he exclaimed, “It’s truly wonderful! I want to kowtow [bow] to Master!” He then asked me to help him stand up, and he kowtowed to Master three times. 

My father passed away at the age of 99. Master had extended his life. 

3. The Child They Gave Up on Was Given a New Life

My neighbor’s relative gave birth to a girl by caesarean section. After birth, the baby had severe breathing difficulties and was transferred to a municipal hospital with a ventilator. The examination results showed that her lungs were not properly developed. The family gave up on seeking treatment because they could not afford the high medical expenses. The baby was then sent to our hospital after she stopped breathing for nearly 20 minutes. After she was resuscitated, the child was breathing on her own. But the family still decided to give up on seeking further treatment, fearing that the child would have cerebral palsy. The child was left in the hospital under the care of her aunt, and was only put on oxygen, without receiving further treatment. 

I asked the aunt to recite, “Falun Dafa is wonderful!” to the infant. The aunt truly believed me and recited it to the child every day. On the seventh day, the child didn’t need to be on oxygen. On the 10th day, she was discharged from the hospital. She’s now nine years old. Her IQ is normal, and she behaves like a normal child. 

There were many people around me who learned the truth about Dafa and received blessings. Dafa has spread throughout the world for 30-plus years, and benevolent Master has devoted Himself to saving sentient beings. There are no words to express my gratitude to Master. Only by cultivating diligently and saving more people can we fulfill our vow.