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Little Dafa Practitioner Learning To Be Altruistic

Aug. 31, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Yuyu is six years old and her parents are practitioners who had stopped practicing for a period of time due the persecution, but eventually returned. Yuyu started to practice Falun Dafa with the guidance of her maternal grandmother. Her grandmother taught her how to practice Falun Dafa’s fifth meditation practice and do the double lotus position.

Master granted Yuyu the celestial vision. She was able to communicate with many things around the house including the clock, computer, car, and flowers. Master purified Yuyu’s body as well. Going to the hospital, visiting doctors, taking medications and getting infusions were part of her daily life prior to cultivating in Falun Dafa. Yuyu started to see red patches on her skin after cultivating for a period of time. Her grandmother said, “These are bad substances being removed from her body.” Yuyue seemed to turn into a different person after cultivating for eight months. Thank you, great benevolent Master.

Yuyu’s grandmother purchased a copy of Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and Hong Yin. Yuyu and her parents established a three-person Fa study group and studied the Fa every night. She started out by only listening to her parents study the Fa and then slowly she began to follow along the Chinese characters and read a couple pages with her mother. Master granted Yuyu a celestial eye under her left eye and Yuyu’s heart was not moved by it.

Master also granted Yuyu a pair of great, white wings in other dimensions. Her wings grew larger as her cultivation improved. She said, “Mother, my wings would expand when I heard Master’s voice in the exercise music. It is shimmering in gold and I see many beautiful pictures on my wings. It is amazing.”

Yuyu does not like doing the Falun Dafa exercises. Upon making a breakthrough once, Yuyu noticed that she had a halo behind her with six sides and was stepping on a Falun emblem and auspicious cloud. Her mother explained that this was a form of encouragement from Master. Yuyu said that Master bestowed Yuyu with many magic tools for saving people and all these tools are kept in a golden lotus flower. Yuyu’s heart was never moved when she obtained all these magic tools. It turned out that her mother was curious about these tools. She gradually eliminated the attachment by studying the Fa.

Yuyu ate a tomato that grew on a vine one time and said that she was also wrapped up by a vine in another dimension. Her mother enlightened to the fact that the vine was another magic tool Master had bestowed to Yuyu to eliminate bad people. Her mother shared, “Master has given you many magic tools and they are for you to assist Master in eliminating the evil.” Yuyu and her mother started to send righteous thoughts. In the beginning, Yuyu did not know the right way of using her magic sword. She asked for Master’s help and immediately eliminated a lot of evil. Yuyu learned how to use her powerful magic sword and is able to eliminate all evil.

When Yuyu’s mother is unable to open up the Minghui website, Yuyu would catch all the evil in a magical bag and eliminated them.

Master has also brought up the topic of safety. Yuyu saw that there was a surveillance camera in her house in another dimension and she broke the camera to pieces with a magical axe.

Yuyu also holds herself to the standards of a Falun Dafa practitioner at school. She abided by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. She was unhappy one time while she was playing with her friends. She immediately realized that this was an attachment of jealousy and eliminated it right away. She would share her cultivation experiences with her mother. She was quite often able to find her attachment and rectify herself.

Her maternal grandmother said, “Yuyu is a different child now. She used to be selfish and stubborn, but now she had become altruistic and obedient.”

Master unlocked Yuyu’s wisdom, so she excelled in her academic endeavors, playing the piano and drawing. She would often receive praise from teachers. Yuyu said that she was shy and did not like being praised. Her mother said, “Being praised means that people acknowledge Dafa and know that Falun Dafa is good. Your heart should not be moved by such praise.”

Master also revealed to Yuyu her true mother who welcomed her with her open arms and told her to return back to her true home.

Yuyu did not want her cousin to leave her home one time after staying over. She was upset, and secretly cried in her room. Yuyu’s mother found out and shared her cultivation experiences with her. Yuyu acknowledges that she has a strong attachment of sentimentality and it needed to be relinquished. She had a dream that night about her sister up in the heavens. The heavenly sister asked if she practiced the exercises well. Yuyu was too ashamed to answer because she did not do well. She told her heavenly sister that she will do the five sets of exercises well. The heavenly sister also told her, “I will accompany you for eight days, and if you are diligent in cultivation, I will stay for another two days.”

Her heavenly sister watched over Yuyu when she did the exercises and corrected her lotus hand positions during righteous thoughts. Her attachment of sentimentality was let go when her heavenly sister left.

Yuyu’s parents argued over a trivial matter one time. Master’s law body told Yuyu about her parents and herself. Each child and their parents form a perfect ball, and the ball that Yuyu and her parents share is brighter than most other balls. That ball was descended to earth from the heavens when they were fighting with the red evil dragon. As a result, Yuyu and her parents became a family in this life time. Yuyu also said that every child descended to earth to obtain Dafa and most of these children are lost in the human world. Yuyu feels fortunate to have obtained the Fa and also feels lucky enough to have visions of herself playing by Master’s feet. She would also see cracks on the ball each time her parents argued. The cracks would fall off from the ball and be irreversible. Only if her parents stopped their quarrels for a long period of time could the ball be fixed. Her parents enlightened to the fact that they still have a lot of shortcomings and needed to rectify themselves. Yuyu also saw that her mother still was indoctrinated by the Chinese Communist Party. Her mother realized her shortcomings. She began listening to audio recordings of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and to programs discussing the disintegration of the CCP.

Master revealed these miraculous scenes from other dimensions and this made many of her family members, who originally weren’t diligent in cultivation, more steadfast in cultivation.

Thank you, great and compassionate Master for your salvation.