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The Importance of Looking Within When a Fellow Practitioner Is Arrested

Aug. 31, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) A practitioner in our Fa study group informed me that the husband of a fellow practitioner in the group was going to be arrested. I quickly notified other practitioners to meet so we could plan how to rescue him.

I recalled what happened during the group study the previous day. I didn’t share my honest opinion then because I was afraid of being contradicted as to what truly occurred. I felt unbalanced and recalled my tendency to be too dependent on others.

After I shared my thoughts with the group, they supported me and agreed we all needed to cooperate. We talked openly about the problems we saw and raised our understanding of the Fa as one body, enabling everyone to realize their own shortcomings. I felt Master’s strengthening in the process.

During the discussion, I suddenly saw an image in my mind that something was covering the practitioner who was going to be arrested and that he would be fine if the cover was removed. I also sensed that both he and his practitioner wife needed to improve on the Fa.

Just then, the practitioner’s wife arrived and told us that her husband had been reported to the police for clarifying the truth to a stranger. The police intended to detain him and had arranged for him to have a physical exam.

For a moment I doubted if my handling of the situation was correct, but I immediately realized that I must have faith in the Fa and Master and I should not be attached to my own ability.

My understanding was that Master was using the situation to help us improve as one body. As long as we found the real problem, we could put an end to the arrangement by the old forces and save sentient beings. We continued to share our understandings of issues we found in ourselves. When the wife of the practitioner in question recognized a problem in herself, I saw a mass of matter leave her body, and I also felt a sense of relief inside. I sat in silence and listened.

Immediately afterwards, the wife’s phone rang. It was her husband, saying that he was ready to go home.

I later thought that the issue had not been completely resolved and that I should communicate with the practitioner who'd almost bee arrested. I let go of the fear that he was under surveillance and shared with him at his home. He realized he had many problems.

As a result, the police’s second attempt to detain him failed. He still goes out every day and clarifies the truth face to face.

The above is my personal experience as a cultivator. It is just as Master said,

“...Remove your human thoughts

and evil will naturally die out” (“Don’t Be Sad,” Hong Yin II)