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Miraculous Escapes: Jumping Over a High Wall and Becoming “Invisible”

Aug. 29, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) In the second half of 2001, I was arrested for refusing to give up practicing Falun Gong. After I was released, I was ordered to report to the local police station every day. If I didn’t, the police said they would send me to a brainwashing center, and if I still refused to give up my practice, I would be sent to a forced labor camp. My husband and I decided to move near his workplace to avoid further persecution. Since his father, who was 81 years old and bedridden, needed constant care, we took my father-in-law with us.

My husband’s boss was kind and had a strong sense of justice. I had previously explained about Falun Gong and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution to him. He was very supportive. He appreciated the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance that Falun Gong practitioners follow. He once jokingly asked me, “What university did you graduate from? You seem very knowledgeable.” I replied, “Everything I say comes from Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong, which is profound and comprehensive.” He smiled and nodded and said he understood.

He was very sympathetic when we told him about our situation and difficulties. He said, “I know you are both good people. Seeing how patiently and meticulously you take care of your paralyzed father-in-law, one might think you were his daughter. I respect you for practicing Falun Gong. I also know the CCP is corrupt. I support you.” He then kindly arranged for us to stay in a small, unused courtyard.

Scaling the Wall

Back then, the atmosphere was terrifying and tense. Falun Gong practitioners were being arrested every day. I had finished feeding my father-in-law one afternoon and was about to wash the dishes when I saw two young men at the door. One of them, a local police officer, I recognized. The other, I didn’t know. He claimed to be from the county 610 Office.

The police officer shouted my name and said, “You! Don’t go anywhere. We’ve let you get away before, but this time we’ve got you. Let’s see where you run to now.” He waved a pair of handcuffs in front of me.

I thought, “I practice Falun Gong, which is a righteous practice. I am on the right path. Those who come to arrest good people are the really bad ones. I am not afraid!”

I recited:

“Dafa is what you carry everywhere,Zhen Shan Ren, rooted in the mind;A great Arhat walks the earth,Gods and demons fear with awe.”(“Benevolent Might,” Hong Yin).

I spoke sternly, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” The 610 officer asked if I was so-and-so. When I said I was, he asked if I still practiced Falun Gong. I replied, “Why wouldn’t I practice such a wonderful discipline? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

He responded, “Then come with us.” I asked him where to, and he said, “To a study class.”

I said, “What study class? It’s just a brainwashing session. If the CCP succeeds in brainwashing me, it would turn a good person into a bad one. I’m not going!”

The 610 officer said, “You don’t have a choice.”

“Neither do you!” I retorted, “We practitioners follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be good people. We don’t steal, rob, kill, or do anything wrong. We do nothing harmful to society. We abide by the law, we do not violate the Constitution or any laws. Yet, the CCP runs brainwashing sessions to turn good people into what? The opposite? Doesn’t this prove that the CCP is evil? You arrest good people who practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Which law are you enforcing? The CCP has fabricated enormous lies, such as the staged Tiananmen self-immolation incident, to deceive the public. What kind of rogue regime does that?

“Can’t you distinguish between good and evil? Don’t you realize you’re doing something wrong? You’re harassing good people and I won’t cooperate. Leave!”

I said all this in one breath, and the two men were visibly deflated. I thought, “I mustn’t let them say too much. Their words are filled with the CCP’s slander against Falun Gong, and the more they say, the more karma they create, which is a crime against the Fa and bad for them, too.”

Pointing at me, the 610 officer, yelled, “Even if we beat you to death today, it would count as suicide!” He then ordered the police officer, “Handcuff her and take her away!” The officer was about to act when I shouted, “Stand still!” To my surprise, they froze. I took the dishes to the kitchen and left.

The front door was locked, so I headed to a brick wall about three meters (about ten feet) high with shards of glass embedded on top. As I approached the wall, I heard the men behind me shouting, “She’s trying to climb the wall. Catch her, or we’ll lose our jobs if she escapes again.”

I thought, “I cannot cooperate with their evil deeds. Master, please help me.” I touched the wall lightly and thought, “Go!” Without much effort, I found myself on the other side. I landed softly on a pile of sand and thanked Master sincerely.

Inside, the two men were still shouting, “She escaped right before our eyes! How did she get over that high wall? It looked like she flew!” One suggested, “How about you stand on my shoulders, climb up, and jump over to catch her?” The other replied, “No way! It’s too high, and there’s glass on top. I might break my legs jumping down.”

Hearing their conversation, I smiled and walked briskly to a fellow practitioner’s house.


In April 2002, a practitioner was arrested for distributing truth-clarification material and was taken to the county detention center. He was brutally tortured and forced to reveal the identities of several practitioners, including me.

A few months later, my husband was on duty at night. At 9 p.m., I saw him running home, gasping for breath. He shouted, “Quick! Run! There are more than 20 police officers on their way to arrest you. Half of them are going to practitioner Li’s home, and the other half are coming here. Run!”

He was sweating profusely, out of breath, and extremely tense. As he was shouting, I saw over 10 people with electric batons and large, bright flashlights entering our yard. They were just 30 feet away.

I didn’t panic or feel scared. I stood quietly with my back against the door, motionless, and thought of something Master said:

“Recently, we had someone sitting here who could disappear at one moment and reappear the next. It is just like that. Even greater supernatural powers will be developed.” (Lecture Six, Zhuan Falun

At that moment, I had a simple thought: “The evil cannot see me. I am a practitioner, and Master is watching over me. I will not let the bad people catch me.”

The police caught up with my husband and said, “You must be here to warn your wife. She must be here. Where is she?”

They pushed my husband aside, and several officers rushed in. They swept through the house, searching every corner, even the wardrobe. The police shined their lights in my face more than once, but they didn’t see me.

The police mumbled, “How can there be no one in the house? It doesn’t make sense. Seeing how anxious her husband was to warn her, she must be here.”

At that time, I had just one thought: “Let them leave quickly.”

One officer turned around and gestured to his colleagues, “She’s not here. Let’s split up and search elsewhere. She can’t escape this courtyard.” Seven or eight of them in front of me hurried out to search elsewhere.

My husband saw the police leave and collapsed on the floor, clutching his chest, “I was scared to death. I felt my heart jump into my throat.”

At that moment, with tears in my eyes, I thought, “Master has once again resolved a disaster for me. Master always protects his disciples.”