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88-year-old Recovers from Broken Ribs in 20 Days

Aug. 28, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am 90 years old this year and live alone. Not many people my age live like I do in this town: I take care of myself and do everything on my own without the help of my children. I am perfectly healthy thanks to my practice of Falun Dafa, a meditation practice taught in China since 1992. 

When I started to practice Falun Dafa, my husband had to read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa’s teachings, to me because I never went to school and didn’t know how to read. After my husband passed away, I stopped practicing for a while, but I always felt that something was missing. One day I got out of bed and started doing the exercises for no reason. That was how I resumed practicing in 2010. 

In order to read Zhuan Falun on my own, whenever I came across characters I didn’t know in a study group, I’d ask fellow practitioners what they meant. If I was home alone, I’d write the characters down and ask whoever was available to tell me what they meant. After a while, I could read the book on my own. I also memorize and recite “On Dafa” every day. I told myself that I must follow the teachings in everything I do so that I can return to where I came from. 

In the years that followed, I experienced many miracles. When my tooth ached, my leg hurt or I didn’t feel well, I’d memorize the teachings and look within. The symptoms would disappear shortly after. 

One evening I fell asleep while I was sending righteous thoughts and fell off the bed. I woke up and said, “I made a mistake, Master, and should not doze off when I send righteous thoughts.” I crawled back to bed, but the upper left side of my chest and my neck hurt. 

I called my daughters the next morning and they came over and took me to the hospital. The doctor said that I had two broken ribs. While they were paying the bill, I said to Master that I didn’t want to stay in the hospital. When my daughters told me that I had to be hospitalized, I protested, and they took me home. 

My chest really hurt, and my neck felt as if it was broken. I laid in bed and recited the Fa and sent righteous thoughts. This went on for 20 days. 

One day it struck me, “Isn’t this the old forces persecuting me? As a practitioner, how can I acknowledge this situation?” With all my strength, I lifted my head and sat up, straightened my legs, got up, and started go walk. Except for a little chest pain, everything returned to normal. 

It usually takes months to recover from a broken bone. I was 88 at the time, and I recovered in 20 days. My family also witnessed my miraculous recovery and supported my practice. 

Two years have passed, and I still go out every day to tell people about the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa and help them quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. I hope that they will choose a better future for themselves.