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Master Saved Me from the Brink of Death

Aug. 27, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1995 and I’ve experienced many ups and downs. Each step has been filled with Master’s compassionate salvation and care, and no words can express my gratitude. In my more than 20 years of cultivation, I experienced Master’s immense grace, the happiness of seeing people understand the truth about Dafa. Thanks to Master’s guidance I managed to overcome each difficulty.

Brain Tumor

Because I didn’t know how to cultivate properly, I couldn’t calm down and focus when I read the Fa and I mistook doing things for cultivation. I was arrested and persecuted several times, but I got through it under Master’s compassionate protection. I won’t go into details here. I’d like to tell you how I broke through the illusion of illness imposed on me by the old forces and how I overcame the tribulation with Master’s and Dafa’s guidance.

I used to be impatient and often became angry with my husband over trivial matters. I didn’t know how to look inward, and had strong resentment and a competitive mentality, which the old forces exploited. In early spring of 2010, the right side of my body suddenly felt numb, and I had difficulty using my right hand.

My husband and child wanted to take me to the hospital. I thought, “Go ahead! I’m not sick. What’s there to fear?” In fact, I lacked righteous thoughts. A CT scan revealed a brain tumor, and I was immediately hospitalized for surgery. After the operation, my condition was very bad. I completely forgot that I’m a cultivator and treated it as an illness. As a result, I developed severe brain edema. The right side of my body was numb, and my speech was slurred.

One day, I was lying in bed half-asleep, feeling very uncomfortable and almost suffocating. I asked, “Where I am?” A voice told me, “The morgue.” How could I be in the morgue? I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner! I jumped out of bed and prepared to leave. Someone told me I couldn’t, and something tried to pull me back. I shook it off and walked out.

Someone holding two wooden boards said, “Take these. Otherwise, you’ll have nowhere to sleep.” I told him that I didn’t need anything, and turned to leave—that’s when I woke up, drenched in sweat. I realized I was wrong. How could I, a cultivator, be sick? I told my husband, “Let’s go home. I’m not staying here.”

After I returned home, my head was heavy and I couldn’t sit up straight on my own. I had to be propped up with pillows when I ate and my husband needed to help me. I knew this wasn’t the state of a cultivator. I began reading Zhuan Falun and Master’s other lectures. As I read, I tried my best to control my thoughts, and eliminate all distractions and interference. If I couldn’t focus when I read, I reread the paragraph. After a few days, I could sit up straight. I began trying to do the meditation exercise, and within two weeks I could stand and do the other exercises. I gradually recovered.

I’m immensely grateful to Master for saving me from the brink of death and for bearing my enormous karma. I’m determined to cultivate diligently and not let Master down.

Clarifying the Truth to People

A few years ago, I clarified the truth to a young man who sold meat and helped him quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations. He was very happy. Every year, I gave him calendars and information about Falun Dafa, and he truly benefited from it. His business is booming. While others usually sell only one pig a day, he can sell two or even three. Every time I visit his stall, it’s usually surrounded by people eagerly buying his meat. He sells high-quality meat with honest weights and measures and gives excellent service.

I forgot to give him a calendar last year. When I visited him this year, his wife asked, “Did you bring the latest calendar? Why didn’t you give us one last year?” I told them I must have been busy and apologized profusely.

I once saw a car parked by the roadside with its windows open and two people inside. I approached them and gave them a Dafa amulet, an informational booklet about Dafa, and a USB drive. One of them said, “Thank you. Falun Dafa is really good. I saw many people doing this on the streets in Taiwan. It’s remarkable that you continue to hand out Falun Dafa materials under such circumstances. Be careful.”

I replied, “Thank you for your concern. It’s our Master who taught us to tell the truth so people can benefit. You should thank our Master.” He immediately thanked Master.

Removing the Pictures That Slander Falun Dafa

One morning, I went to a residential area to clarify the truth, and saw a display board on the roadside which had pictures slandering Dafa and Master. It made me sad and I thought that I couldn’t let these things poison people’s minds. I wanted to tear them down, but there were many people around. After returning home, I told another practitioner about it, hoping she would help, but she didn’t say anything.

I felt conflicted, but I remembered Master’s Fa, “Once your thought is righteous, evil will collapse” (“What’s There to Fear” in Hong Yin II) I decided to tear it down myself.

I wondered when would be the best time to do it. My home is far from that place, and I needed to take a bus, but there were no buses at night. After much thought, I decided to go around midday when people are resting and the streets are less crowded. The next morning, after I finished doing the exercises, I respectfully offered incense to Master and asked for his help. Then I sent righteous thoughts for a long time. I took a travel bag and set out.

When I arrived, there were no pedestrians, and a large truck was parked in front of the display board, blocking the view. I was very happy and immensely grateful for Master’s wonderful arrangement. I quickly walked up, tore the pictures off the display board, put them in my bag, and left.

To prevent the evil from manipulating community staff to put up those slanderous pictures again, I sent righteous thoughts every day for a week. Since then, no more slanderous pictures appeared there.

Looking back at my more than 20 years of cultivation, despite the many trials and hardships, I feel extremely happy and proud because I am a life created by Dafa. From the depths of my heart, I am grateful to Master for pulling me back from the brink of death, bearing my enormous karma, compassionately awakening me when I was lost, and protecting me when I was in danger. Master’s immense grace can never be repaid, but I am determined to walk the final leg of my cultivation path well, let go all of human attachments, do the three things, and follow Master to return to my true home.