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Righteous Thoughts Corrected a Practitioner’s Blurry Eyesight

Aug. 27, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’ve practiced Falun Dafa for more than 20 years. My health is good and I understand that the real meaning of life is about returning to one’s true self. I realize the importance of the principles for human conduct and the relationship between loss and gain. I’m extremely grateful to Master Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder, and I truly understood the seriousness of cultivation and the extraordinary power of Dafa.

In the spring of 2021, Jing, a veteran practitioner, suddenly experienced blurry vision that progressively became worse. At first she ignored it, thinking it would eventually get better. Because it was difficult to read, she listened to audiotapes of Master’s Fa lectures instead of reading Zhaun Falun.

A few months passed and Jing’s eyesight didn’t improve. She was worried and went to a hospital. The doctor said she needed a medication given by injection once a month. Each injection cost 2,400 yuan, which she could not afford, so she went home.

A few weeks passed and Jing’s eyesight still didn’t improve. When she visited me I was surprised to see her and asked where she had been for the last few months. Jing told me about her eye problem, and said she could only listen to the Fa.

I asked, “Do you think you really have an eye problem? Has your vision really gone blurry? Surely, Master wouldn’t allow this to happen. How can you study the Fa without being able to see the words?”

Jing suddenly understood, “You’re right! I got it wrong. My eyes are fine and the blurry vision is just a false manifestation, and the old forces are persecuting me.”

I encouraged her, “That’s right. It’s all an illusion arranged by the old forces to persecute you. We must eliminate it with righteous thoughts.” Jing then asked me to write down the words for righteous thoughts.

As I wrote, she looked at me and said excitedly, “I can see now! I can clearly see the words you are writing!”

“Great! Read it to me when I finish,” I said to her. She did, and did not make a single mistake!

“Thank you Master!” She kept saying emotionally.

My eyes filled with tears. Jing couldn’t read due to her poor eyesight for more than six months, but she recovered in just ten minutes after sending righteous thoughts! From this incident, I gained an even deeper understanding of the profound Fa principle “A good or bad outcome comes from one thought.” (The Fourth Talk, Zhuan Falun)