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Practicing Falun Dafa Eliminated My Depression

Aug. 24, 2024 |   By a new Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) The stress and pressure of being a high school freshman made me feel depressed. I had difficulty sleeping, lacked motivation, and was exhausted, so I took a year off to rest.

Last December, my mother took me to a small town in southern China where my aunt and uncle live. They both practice Falun Dafa, and my mother and I did the exercises with them. In two months, my depression was gone!

After we returned home, my father decided to study the Fa and practice the exercises with us. Whenever I did the exercises, I saw a Falun, the emblem that represents the practice. I also saw Master’s fashen (energy body), compassionately looking after my father.

I’d like to tell what I saw while practicing the Falun Dafa exercises with my parents in April 2024.

As I began the first exercise, I saw a large Falun surrounded by a circle of smaller Faluns. They were then surrounded by a layer of even smaller Faluns, like a circle that kept expanding. When there were three or four circles, it was complete. The large Faluns in the center of each circle rotated clockwise and counterclockwise.

When I was doing the second exercise, I saw a Falun rotating on each side of my father’s shoulders and another one rotating around his waist. At that time he was ill with kidney failure. After a while, he said he was to tired to continue doing the exercises and went to his room. I saw Master’s fashen and a Falun following him. I told him what I saw to encourage him to continue doing the exercises with us.

While doing the third exercise, I saw tiny, golden Faluns all over the room, rotating on various objects. The guitar I often play also had a Falun rotating on it.

When I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate any evil factors, I saw Falun flying in the universe, shining like shooting stars, and landing in China. I also saw a sword piercing communist party factors from top to bottom.

I’ m grateful to Master for saving me from depression and granting me this opportunity to see such extraordinary things.