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Media Outlets Report on How the CCP Forcibly Harvested Organs from Falun Gong Practitioner Cheng Peiming (Part 2)

Aug. 22, 2024 |   By Minghui correspondent Wang Ying

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Peiming was subjected to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) forced organ harvesting, and his plight has captured significant media attention. So far 36 media outlets have published reports on how Mr. Cheng had his organs harvested by the CCP. Mr. Cheng survived and fled China, but countless practitioners have died as a result of the brutality.

Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Peiming narrates his experience and shows his 35-cm scar as a result of the CCP’s forced organ harvesting during a press conference in Washington DC on July 3, 2024. (Screenshot of NTDTV video)

Union of Catholic Asian News: Testimony Confirms the Horrors of Forced Organ Harvesting Faced by Practitioners of Falun Gong

Union of Catholic Asian News reported on August 12, 2024 that Mr. Cheng Pei Ming’s testimony confirms the horrors of forced organ harvesting faced by Falun Gong practitioners.

“Forcibly removing a human organ — or sometimes multiple organs — from a living human being against their will is a crime of such barbarity as to be unimaginable. That the individual is already a prisoner of conscience, jailed simply because of their beliefs, adds a further layer of utter inhumanity to the crime.

“Cheng Pei Ming, aged 58, last week described how he still endures 'extreme pain,' 20 years after parts of his lung and liver were forcibly removed. 'I believed they would kill me,' he told The Telegraph. 'I’m not sure they thought I could survive, but I did.'

“His story has hit the headlines in many publications in recent days — from the Daily Mail to The Sun, The Metro to The Diplomat. His testimony, if valid, is one of the most important developments in the campaign to expose China’s crimes.”

The report urges, “Governments around the world should listen to Cheng, revisit the China Tribunal judgment, and begin to grapple with this horror seriously and urgently. Policymakers must act urgently to stop organ tourism, making it illegal to travel to China for organ transplants, and thought must be given to how best to hold the regime in Beijing to account for this most barbaric of crimes.

“Cheng deserves our respect and support for his courageous decision to speak out. But the best way to honor him would be to do everything possible to ensure that no one else ever has to endure what he went through. He survived, miraculously, but many do not. Let’s act urgently to stop the slaughter in China.”

Metro of UK: What Set Him Apart from Most Other Victims Is That He Survived

Metro, the UK’s largest newspaper, reported on August 9 that “what sets him apart from most other victims is that he survived to tell the tale of the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Harvesting organs from executed inmates is legal in the country. But the Chinese regime has been killing prisoners of conscience – on demand – to supply paying patients, human rights groups have alleged.

“China’s organ trade is estimated to have a market value of $1billion per year. The transplant industry has been developed on a big scale with significant investment into hospitals, medical personnel and other infrastructure.

“In 2000, coinciding with the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong, the industry exploded.

“David Matas, an international human rights lawyer, said about the case: ‘Cheng is, in one sense, a typical victim of China’s forced organ harvesting practices – a Falun Gong practitioner who had their organs stolen by the CCP.

“‘In another sense, he is unusual because he survived organ extraction, his vital organs – liver and lung – have been extracted, only in part, and because he escaped both the Chinese authorities and China itself.’”

Epardafas of Nepal: Survivor Exposes CCP’s Atrocity

The Nepal’s Epardafas carried an article titled “First Survivor of China’s Forced Organ Harvesting Breaks Silence, Exposes Atrocities” on August 9, 2024.

“Cheng Pei Ming, the first known survivor of China’s forced organ harvesting campaign targeting religious prisoners, has come forward to reveal the horrors he endured under the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). At 58 years old, Cheng shared his harrowing experience for the first time, describing the 'extreme pain' he still feels 20 years after parts of his lung and liver were forcibly removed.

“In an emotional interview with The Telegraph, Cheng recounted how he believed he would not survive the brutal treatment inflicted upon him. 'I’m not sure they thought I could survive, but I did,' Cheng said, revealing a scar that encircles his chest, a physical reminder of the torment he suffered.

“Mr. Cheng is a Falun Gong practitioner and was detained and tortured by the CCP regime for his belief. He described that he was detained five times and suffered unbearable torture.

“As Cheng prepares to share his story publicly in Washington, he hopes to shine a light on the atrocities committed by the CCP and inspire global action to protect the rights of religious minorities in China.”

Empressive Naija of Nigeria: The US House of Representatives Passes Falun Gong Protection Act

Empressive Naija of Nigeria reported on August 9, 2024 that “A Chinese organ-harvesting victim managed to escape from his captors after he woke up chained to a bed with parts of his liver and lung missing.

“Cheng Pei Ming, 58, the first known survivor of China’s forced organ harvesting campaign against religious prisoners said he was now ready to speak out and expose the 'evil' of the Chinese Communist Party.

“In July 2004, Mr Cheng said he was dragged into a hospital where agents from the CCP’s infamous 610 Office – dubbed 'China’s Gestapo' – tried to make him sign consent forms. When he refused, they knocked him down and put him to sleep. His family was told that he was undergoing surgery and had a 20 percent chance of survival.

“Mr Cheng woke up three days later, terrified, shackled to a bed, and with a 35-cm (nearly 14-inch) incision across his chest.

“In June 2024, the US House passed the Falun Gong Protection Act, which aims to force an end to the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP, as well as forced organ harvesting from apprehended practitioners of the faith.”

The Kenyan Daily Post: The Persecution Should Not Happen

The Kenyan Daily Post reported on August 9, 2024 that “A Chinese organ-harvesting victim managed to escape from his captors after he woke up chained to a bed with parts of his liver and lung missing.

“Mr. Cheng says he was detained and tortured for years by the Chinese state for practising Falun Gong, a spiritual movement founded in the early 1990s. The movement swept across the country, but was outlawed in 1999 and then brutally suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“In 2019, an independent tribunal in London ruled that the Chinese government continued to commit crimes against humanity by targeting minorities, including the Falun Gong movement, for organ harvesting.

“Mr Cheng said he could not understand why they would crack down on a religion that promoted peace. 'Falun Gong teaches people to be good and to have compassion and empathy for all people. We mean no harm to society, the persecution against us should have never happened,' he said.”

Mr. Cheng struggles on a daily basis with shocks of pain that ripple through his body. But he is now ready to tell his story.

He said, “I want the world to know how evil the CCP is. It does not only seek to harm people in China but the world.”