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A Man Paralyzed By a Stroke Can Walk and Speak Again

Aug. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Min, the brother-in-law of my younger brother, suffered a stroke and became paralyzed in June 2022. He could not speak clearly and was hospitalized. I thought that I would share information about Falun Dafa with Min and his family when I returned to my hometown on a business trip in July. 

Min and his family lived on the same street as we did in our hometown. When I visited them, Min was still in the hospital. His wife, Mei, looked very thin and totally stressed out due to worries over her husband’s illness. 

Mei told me, “Min stayed in the hospital for six weeks, which cost a lot of money. We could not afford to spend much more, so Min checked himself out of the hospital. Ten days later, his condition worsened and he was admitted to the hospital intensive care unit. Unable to bear the pain and the pressure of high medical expenses, Min tried to end his own life. Fortunately, the suicide attempt failed. The whole family felt desperate.”

I was very sad for Min. He was only in his 50s and seemed in great despair. I suggested to Mei that she could try to sincerely recite the auspicious phrases “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and persuade Min to do the same. I also urged them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, which would bring blessings to them. Mei nodded in agreement and immediately agreed to quit the CCP.

I came across Mei in early September 2022 when I visited my hometown again. She had gained a lot of weight and looked very energetic. She said that Min had experienced some vomiting from time to time. But he did not take any medicine, and his health is much better after reciting the phrases. 

When I went to visit Min, he was able to get up and sit by the bedside. He had lost some weight but was in good spirits. He could now move the paralyzed half of his body and actually walk, although still a bit unsteadily. He could also speak, but not yet with total clarity.

I told Min the facts about Falun Dafa in great detail, including examples of the miraculous health effects. I let him know that, because of its goodness, Falun Dafa has spread widely throughout the world. I also told him that many people who recited the words have recovered from their ailments and survived dangerous events. 

As I was talking, a miracle happened. Min suddenly spoke a few words loud and clear, even though he said them with some difficulty. I was really happy for Min. His whole family is very grateful to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.