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My Amazing Path to Obtaining the Fa

Aug. 14, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Canada

(Minghui.org) Greetings, Master! Hello, fellow practitioners! 

My name is Amelia, and I began practicing Falun Dafa about seven months ago. If anything I say is not in line with the Fa (teachings), please compassionately correct me.

I’m in my early twenties. After I began practicing, I reflected on my life, and I’m amazed by Master’s wisdom and compassion. I realized that from birth, Master carefully protected me, and I’m truly grateful. 

In the past, I constantly complained about how difficult life was. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw a bitter and resentful person staring back at me. Even though I dressed well and tried to look my best, that hateful expression was always there. I didn’t know how to change. Now that I practice Dafa, when I look in the mirror, I don’t see that unpleasant person looking back at me. My eyes look clear and bright, and sometimes even sparkle. 

I’d like to tell you my story.

My Path to Obtaining the Fa

I was born in a small county in China. My father is an art teacher who yearned for truth and freedom. He always told me that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was bad and that I shouldn’t believe what it said. He said a person can live a simple life but should understand the truth. He always looked for the truth and then told me what he found. Thus, from a young age, I understood the kind of regime I lived under and the difference between good or evil.

When I was in second grade the teacher distributed booklets that slandered Falun Dafa, and she spent hours slandering Dafa. The students were frightened. 

I was terrified and when I got home, I told my father what happened. He looked angry and serious and said, “Don’t listen to your teacher’s nonsense. What kind of teacher is this? Falun Dafa is just people practicing exercises, a kind of qigong that can’t harm anyone. The U.S. government protects it.” My mother heard this and said, “Yes, many people used to practice in the parks!”

I later attended a performing arts high school and studied dance. I had a wish to find the truth about why people live and the meaning of life.

I started reading a lot of Western philosophical books in my spare time, but I didn’t get the answers I sought. My arts high school was full of all kinds of people with distorted mindsets. However, it felt like there was an anchor in my heart that stopped me from going down the wrong path. I always remembered what my parent said. 

When I felt anxious I felt that gods and Buddhas would protect me. However I didn’t know what gods looked like, so I printed some pictures of religious figures put them up on the wall, and placed small Buddha statues on my desk. I firmly believed they would protect me. I wanted to be an upright and kind person.

I was glad that I was not influenced by the complex environment in school. I achieved excellent scores on the college entrance exam and got into my ideal university. My parents were very happy, and everyone congratulated me. But I still felt lonely and confused, as I had not yet found the true meaning of life.

When I got to the university, I was even more confused and didn’t want to leave the dormitory. Due to the pandemic lockdown, I spent a lot of time searching online for knowledge related to the truth of the universe. I kept searching but never found a satisfactory answer. 

One day, I suddenly remembered my childhood wish to go abroad. I was an adult now and could make my own decisions. My parents didn’t know how to apply, so I did it myself. I contacted an agency and settled on a school. When I saw the address, it was Ottawa, which perfectly matched my wish. After submitting my visa application to Canada, I took a break from school and went home.

My mind was in turmoil every day, as I hadn’t heard anything about my visa for months. I heard there was a temple in the suburbs of our county. I thought that perhaps staying in the temple would help me find the meaning of life or the universal truth. 

The temple was mainly for nuns and focused on Zen Buddhism. After I entered, they said they were holding a retreat and closed the gate. I stayed, but I couldn’t do anything but meditate. I endured the pain every day, drenched in sweat, and dared not move because someone would come over with a stick, and I feared I would be beaten. After a month I couldn’t sit still and my mind wasn’t calm. The stick didn’t work anymore, so I decided to go home.

The day after I came home, my mother excitedly walked into my room and told me that my Canadian visa had been approved.

My brother and I completed a series of procedures and set off. We eventually landed in Ottawa. Within three months I settled my brother into school, and by then it was December. I thought I should buy a thick down jacket for each of us, so I went to a mall. I quickly bought two and was about to leave. I felt something pulling me back, so I turned around.

I noticed a Shen Yun advertisement. Since it was related to my interest in dance, I stopped to watch the video thinking, “Wow, there’s a Chinese dance performance outside China. How rare!” A Korean lady introduced Shen Yun to me in English, and I listened when another lady came over and asked in Chinese, “Are you Chinese?” I said I was. She said I looked very kind and reminded her of her niece. We talked for about two hours, and she told me many things I didn’t know. 

She later drove me home, and we chatted the entire way. Seeing that I accepted what she said, she told me about the persecution of Falun Dafa and the story of the red dragon harming the world. I was stunned and listened attentively. She asked if we could meet again. She guided my family and me to do the “Three Withdrawals” (withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations). 

She lent me her copy of Zhuan Falun. When I opened the book, I immediately understood everything, and thought, wow, this book was amazing; it answered all my questions. This was what I had been searching for! I learned that I could cultivate without becoming a nun, that living was not for enjoying life but for returning to one’s true self and returning to one’s original home! I learned that Zen Buddhism couldn’t explain everything. This was the great Fa I had been looking for! It’s so precious!

I decided to cultivate diligently. I understood that perhaps I hadn’t just searched for ten or twenty years but for thousands of years—I reincarnated in many lifetimes, and endured much suffering. Now that I’ve found the Fa, I must cultivate steadfastly.

Breaking Through Interference and Master Protects Me

As I embarked on the path of cultivation local practitioners were busy with Shen Yun-related projects. The weather was cold, so I hadn’t yet attended group study. I watched the video recordings of Master’s lectures and I read Zhuan Falun

I was doing household chores one day while listening to Master’s lecture recordings playing on my phone. As I reached for a plate on the table, it slipped and was about to crash to the floor. As I tried to catch it, the plate fell and shattered. One sharp-edged fragment bounced up, heading directly towards my wrist. Suddenly, the tablecloth swiftly wrapped around my wrist, cushioning it. When I examined the shard I noticed how sharp it was, and I realized Master protected me. Overwhelmed with gratitude and remorse because I felt I was not respectful to Master, tears welled up in my eyes. From that moment on, I approached cultivation and everything related to Dafa with greater solemnity.

As I rode my bicycle home one day, it suddenly veered out of control and headed towards a glass bus shelter. In the split second before impact, the bicycle swerved, narrowly avoiding colliding with the glass. I shuddered at the close call. It was indeed Master’s compassionate care that averted a disaster.

I had difficulty sleeping after I began practicing—I was gripped by an inexplicable fear. Unsure of its source and whether it stemmed from my true self, I was often startled awake just as I was drifting off to sleep. This went on for nearly a week, leaving me exhausted from sleep deprivation while attending school and completing my household duties. One night, after reading Zhuan Falun, I laid it flat on the table, hoping to fall asleep. 

As I became drowsy, I suddenly heard the pages rustle loudly. I sat up, but Zhuan Falun was still there. I realized it was interference attempting to disturb me. I firmly said, “I refuse to acknowledge you! I belong to Master Li, and nothing will stop me from cultivating.” I lay back down and slept peacefully that night.

Such trials continued to test me, especially during late nights when my mind was clouded with fear and uncertainty. I wished I had someone to talk to, but it was often past midnight. Seated on my bed, tears welled up, yet refused to fall. Exhausted and frustrated, I questioned the hardship of cultivation, wondering if I could persevere and how much further the path stretched ahead. 

I realized these were all ordinary human thoughts and interference from the old forces. I asked myself, “Who am I, truly?” The answer was: “I am Master’s disciple, a cultivator of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.” A surge of warmth surged through me and I felt rejuvenated. Reminding myself to dispel fear and entrust everything to Master, I resolved to continue steadfastly on the path of cultivation. With that resolve, I drifted into a restful sleep.

My Family Benefits

I want to talk about the profound transformation that occurred in my family after I obtained the Fa. My brother is five years younger than me. I resented him, and we often argued. 

One evening, as my mother tearfully expressed concern about my brother’s behavior, I suggested that he come with me. I assured her that a change in environment might positively influence him. She was happy and I knew it was my duty to guide my brother.

After we arrived in Canada, my brother felt liberated from parental supervision and indulged in reckless behavior such as gaming, staying up late, and smoking. Frustrated and concerned, I initially resorted to scolding and threats, which exacerbated the tension. However, by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, I gradually softened my approach. I apologized and suggested how we could both improve. He was surprised by my changes.

He also apologized and promised to do better. We embarked on a journey of self-improvement, and the atmosphere at home became harmonious.

A few months after I obtained the Fa, my brother miraculously quit his long-term smoking habit. He also decided to stop borrowing money and began to plan his life. Instead of being glued to his phone, he started exercising regularly, drawing, and studying English and Italian. The atmosphere at home is completely different—like night and day.

I told my mother about the changes my brother and I experienced. She said it was amazing. She excitedly said that she and my father were also getting along much better. They no longer argue and are more understanding and tolerant of each other.

In conclusion, as I delve deeper into cultivation and strive to fulfill Master’s requirements of diligently practicing the exercises, studying the Fa, and clarifying the truth, I’m aware of my mission and the profound significance of saving sentient beings. Despite occasional struggles and lingering attachments, I remain resolute in my commitment to cultivation. 

Any hardships serve as invaluable opportunities for advancement, far surpassing the transient pleasures and pressures of ordinary life. With Master’s compassionate guidance, I trust in the unwavering path laid out for me. Grateful for Master’s boundless compassion and vigilant protection, I remain steadfast in my resolve to advance diligently and be a true cultivator.

(Presented at the 2024 Canada Fa Conference)