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I Finally Identified and Removed My Fundamental Attachment

Aug. 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I was born in a rural area in China in the 1960s and I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. I became healthy, but I kept stumbling through family tribulations for a long time. I finally realized many issues came from my fundamental attachment of wishing for a good life.

Family Troubles

I yearned for a loving marriage. I listened to my husband and did whatever he asked. I took care of the housework and raised the children. I handled all the work alone at home, in the fields, and in the mountains. After I began practicing Falun Dafa I rarely studied the Fa so I did not know how to cultivate solidly.

A year later, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Dafa. My husband did not support my cultivation. In 2000, I went to Beijing to validate the Fa. After the local police took me home, my husband intensified his opposition to my cultivation.

He worked in a brigade so he was under a lot of pressure. He threatened me with divorce but stopped mentioning it after seeing that I believed in Dafa firmly. Although I continued to practice, my husband and I were in a cold war because I didn’t study the Fa well and had no idea of how to improve our family situation.

Learning from Lessons

I went to town with my husband on business in 2010 and discovered that he had been having an affair. I felt like the sky fell on me. I treated him kindly, but he betrayed me and our family. My attachments of jealousy, fighting, self-interest, and resentment burst out of control. I knew a cultivator should let go of these human attachments, but for the next few years, I kept blaming him.

I filed a lawsuit against former Chinese president Jiang Zemin and I was illegally detained for seven days in 2015. I still didn’t realize that I hadn’t established a good family relationship so the evil had an excuse to take advantage of my loophole. In 2017, I was framed by a bad person and imprisoned for two years. Master repeatedly protected and enlightened me. I realized that I seldom studied the Fa so I didn’t know how to cultivate. I was persecuted because I didn’t know how to look inward during family conflicts, and I resented my husband for many years.

Removing My Human Attachments

I was released from prison in 2019. After I returned home, my husband wanted me to stay with him but no longer allowed me to be involved in his business, and he didn’t give me any money. I felt stressed because my neighbors, relatives, and friends looked at me strangely. Fortunately, my two daughters knew Falun Dafa was good, and they helped me financially.

I realized that I must study the Fa a lot to get out of my predicament. As I increased the time I read the teachings, Master gave me many hints and I understood that my fundamental attachment was wishing for a good life, and I should break free from this human attachment. I began to handle the tribulations in my family and the criticism from people around me with righteous thoughts, and I rectified the relationship between family and cultivation.

Although my husband tried to make arrangements for me, I understood that fellow practitioners should play the key roles and our lives cannot be planned by everyday people. My cultivation path is arranged by Master, so my top priority is to follow Master’s guidance to do three things, including studying the Fa, clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people, and sending righteous thoughts.

After I realized my role as a practitioner, Master gave me many hints about my husband, and I realized he was offering me cultivation opportunities. My daughter also told me that he protected the Dafa books. I was very grateful because although he did not support my practice at first, but at the critical moment, he made the most correct decision and protected the Dafa books. After gaining a deeper understanding of the Fa, I gradually understood the nature of my family’s tribulation. I believe that my husband performed a role in helping me to remove my attachments, improve my character, let go of fame, gain, and emotion during conflict settings, and break free from human desires.

I started caring for my mother-in-law in 2020. It wasn’t easy and gave me many opportunities to improve my character. As a practitioner, I treated her nicely with righteous thoughts. Through my kindness, she and her children saw that Falun Dafa is good. My husband said, “If you had stopped practicing Dafa, you wouldn’t have treated my mother like this.” My mother-in-law’s other children heard the facts of Dafa from me, and most of them withdrew from the CCP and it’s organizations. They also read Master’s new articles.

Now I spend most of my time studying the Fa at home every day, taking good care of my mother-in-law and family, and going out to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to people. My family relationships are now harmonious, and my cultivation environment has improved as well.

In these more than 20 years of ups and downs, I continued to advance in my cultivation path because of Master’s protection and guidance. I still have many shortcomings. I should do well on my remaining cultivation path in order to live up to Master’s compassion.