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I’m a Happy Driver

Aug. 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I work as a driver for a transportation business. I first drove motorcycles and now I drive vans. My life was difficult before I began practicing Falun Dafa. I was afraid of breaking the rules, being fined, having no work, or having accidents on the road.

After I read the Falun Dafa books, I realized that all gains and losses in life were caused by the good or bad things I did in the past. I no longer think about how much money I can make. I just try my best to do my job well.

I know I should be a good person and not fight for personal interests. When another driver pulled my customer away, I wasn’t angry. Once another driver chased and beat me for no reason. Instead of being angry, I just tried to get away from him.

I used to get angry easily and curse people. I cursed whenever I didn’t like something or someone. After I read the Fa, I understood that swearing isn’t good, and I try my best to control myself.

Master said, “True cultivators have no illnesses...” (“Explaining the Fa for Falun Dafa Assistants in Changchun,” Further Discussions on Falun Dafa) This is indeed the case. After I began practicing Falun Dafa, I stopped getting sick. But occasionally I got a toothache, which usually happened after I couldn’t control myself and cursed someone.

Master protects true practitioners from danger. Once I was riding a motorcycle and was hit by a taxi. I flew to the top of the taxi, made a big dent, and then bounced off a stack of concrete slabs on the side of the road, and I landed in the road. The motorcycle and helmet were smashed, and my belongings were scattered everywhere. The people who witnessed the accident thought I was dead. I was fine and I didn’t need to go to the hospital. I recovered from body-aches after only a few days.

I would like to thank Master and Falun Dafa. Reading the teachings helped me understand many things. I’m now healthy and happy.