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I Eliminated My Fear

Aug. 10, 2024 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) A relative came to my home and said her family received harassing phone calls from the police, and they asked if she still practiced Falun Dafa. Since July 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched the persecution, the police confiscate Falun Dafa books and materials.

We are both practitioners. She wanted me to help her move our Dafa books and related materials to a safer place. She said she would let me know her decision later.

After she left, I asked Master for protection and enlightenment. I promised to help her even though I was still in the midst of a personal conflict.

I felt it wouldn’t be difficult to relocate the Dafa books, but what about Master’s pictures? I immediately realized that we shouldn’t move them. When it was time to send righteous thoughts, I asked for Master’s blessing. Afterwards I felt my field clear up and I no longer had any fear.

I looked inward and asked myself why this was happening. It must be because I had some loopholes in my cultivation. Although I found many attachments, such as resentment, a fighting mentality, fear, jealousy, and wanting to be praised, I felt I hadn’t identified the root cause.

After I read the Fa, I continued to send righteous thoughts. I suddenly realized that instead of using truth clarification as a way to save sentient beings, I was fighting with others.

Then I remembered a practitioner’s cultivation article in which she said that practitioners are doing the most righteous thing in the universe—saving people. So, whether we distribute Falun Dafa materials or clarify the truth face to face. We should not be afraid.

Master said,

“What could human beings possibly do to divine beings? If there were no outside factors, would human beings dare to do anything to divine beings? How human society unfolds is nothing but the outcome of high-level beings controlling things.” (“In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to Be Righteous, Not Human,” The Essentials of Diligent Progress III)

Policemen are also beings we should save. I realized that the communist party culture mentality caused me to push everyone who I felt was part of that system to the opposite side. Whenever I thought of, or interacted with them, I thought they were bad. I never treated them with kindness. This was the root of my problem.

After I had this realization, the practitioner told me she decided to leave everything where it was. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to another practitioner’s home to share our thoughts.

When I walked home around 10:30 p.m. I felt everything around me was peaceful and wonderful. I never dared to walk around outside at night before. The other practitioners always took me home and watched me enter before they left. The feeling of having no fear was so good. I knew it happened because I did the right thing so Master was encouraging me.

These are my recent cultivation experiences. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.